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AFTER A  few minutes we make it to a destination, me and Jorge exchange looks as we come to a stop, I nodded to him then the guard beside him indicating he go for that one and I nod to the one to my side saying I'll get him.

I look at the masked male who hadn't left my side and he looks at me "who are you..." I whisper, it was picking at me now.

I hold up three fingers to Jorge 3..2..1... as the final one went down me and Jorge attack, Jorge kicked his guard down out of the van and jumped on him yelling "where is she!?".

As my guard stands up I jump on his shoulders then spin around causing us both to fall out the van, I kept him in a headlock making it hard for them to breathe.

Beside me Jorge was repeating the same thing but throwing hard punches at his guard's face, the other guards and my friends come charging forward.

"Okay alright!" I hear Newt say as he's pinned to a van, a gun pointing at him, I get off my guard and race over to the one who was threatening Newt with a gun.

I poke the guards shoulder making him turn around, I kick him in the face causing him to fall to the floor, I lay him on his stomach and put his arm up high ready to break it.

"IM RIGHT HERE!!" I hear Brenda yell to Jorge "EVERYONE RELAX WERE ON THE SAME SIDE HERE!" The curious masked person said, I grab the gun from the guard that was on the floor and aim it to the man.

"What do you mean same side who the hell are you!?" I shout cocking the gun, the masked person looks away from me reaching for his mask, he lifts it upwards.

I stand up, accidentally breaking the guard's arm that I was on "oh my god I'm so sorry that was an accident!" I say leaving him on the floor keeping the gun in my hand.

He turns to me and I drop the gun "hey greenbean" he says, it was Gally. "G-Gally..." I quietly say letting tears fall, I walk up to him and punch him in the face causing him to fall.

As he was falling I grab his hand and pull him into a hug "you killed Chuck.." I say dropping to my knees taking him with me.

"I'm sorry greenbean..." Gally sighs "I was stung I didn't mean to" we pull away from the hug and I wipe my tears standing.

"Where is Jessie anyways, how is she? I've been waiting AGES to see her again" He gives me a sad smile I feel a tear fall from my eye.

"She's gone Gal.." I say and he drops his smile and puts his hand on his head giving me a sad look, I watch as tears build in his eyes.

"You know this guy loca?" Jorge asks and I nod "he's an old friend" Frypan says "how... how.. we watched you die" Newt says pulling me into a hug.

"No you left me to die" Gally replies and I shake my head "I was being dragged away we all were we had no choice!" I say.

"Look if we didn't find you when we did you'd be dead right now... what the hell are you doing here greenbean?" He asks.

I open my mouth to answer but no words came out "Minho." Newt answered for me "WICKED has him here, we're looking for a way in".

"I can help with that.." Gally says and i shoot my head up towards him "Really?" I question, my voice sounded dry, my throat was sore.

"Follow me" Gally says passing me a water bottle, I take a bit then sigh happily "much better" I smile putting the lid back on.

I go to chuck the bottle back to Gally but he shakes his head "share it." He says and I pass it to Newt who gave me a kiss on the cheek "thanks love" he smiles.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Thomas says "Suit yourself, but I can get you through those walls" Gally tells us all.

I step forward walking over to Gally who puts his elbow on my shoulder smiling "you coming?" I ask and they start to move.

"When I was at the maze I got picked up by a group who were heading for the city, they realised I was immune and patched me up then brought me here" Gally explains as we follow him.

"This troop has been at war with WICKED ever since they took control of the city but WICKED can't hide behind those walls forever" he pauses.

"The day's gonna come when they pay for what they've done" he then stops us "listen um.. he doesn't get a lot of visitors, so let me do the talking alright?" He says.

"Oh and try not to stare" Gally says walking off and I sigh following 'y/n don't stare don't stare y/n, got it?' I tell myself we entered a room with roses and music playing.

We follow Gally down the steps "Gally" the man says in the shadows, "Glad to see you made it back Jester told me what happened" the mysterious man says.

"It was a slaughter, there was nothing we could do against these guns" Gally says holding onto his protection vest.

"No they can only poke the hornets nest for so long.. until they get stung" he says smelling the rose, I focus on his silhouette more to see he hasn't got a nose.

"Who are these people? Why are they here?" He asks and I remove myself from Newt and step forward clearing my throat standing next to Gally.

"We need to get into WICKED.. Gally said you could get us through those walls"
I say looking at the silhouette's direction, he faces me in the shadows.

"Gally should know better to make promises that he can't keep" he says facing Gally who looks away, the man sighs in frustration "Besides" he says.

"That wall is only half your problem, getting inside of WICKED is impossible" he says getting a little closer to me dragging something with him.

"There may be a way now, but it doesn't work without Thomas or y/n" Gally says "is that so?" The man says coming closer to me, his face showing in the light.

He puts his face very close up to mine, I try not to show any signs of rudeness towards the man "y/n... I don't take unnecessary risks, why should I trust you my lovely?" He asks moving one finger on my cheek.

"B-Because I can help you sir, you see if you could get us through those walls.. I can get you what you need" I say quietly as he removes his finger.

"What is it that you think I need?" He asks and I look down to the ground then into his eyes "Time, every last drop" I reply.

He looks at Gally then back at me "heh. Is that what I need?" He says getting closer to me, my god his breath stunk "WICKED has something we both want sir" I say.

"I'll tell you what.. you can take two people with you.. the rest of your friends can stay with me" he says "do we have a deal?" He asks putting his hand out.

I look at it and take it shaking his hand without hesitation and he smiles "Gally show her the way." He says and I smile back at him sweetly.

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