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"Someone has moved him up to the medical wing.. Thomas that's on the other side of the building" Teresa says and I get up "okay take me there right now!" I say.

Thomas prepares with me "alright I'm gonna come with you" Newt says and I sigh "newt.." "no your not your gonna stay here with Gally for the serum" Thomas says.

"You can't do this on your own" Newt looks at me "Minho comes first remember?" "JUST GO WERE WASTING TIME!" Gally yells near the vault door.

"I'll get the serum we'll meet you out back" he says and I nod making my way out the door "okay fine let's go" I say.

"Hey greenbean!" Gally calls causing n's to spin on my heel to face him "good luck!" He smiles and I smile back "you too Gal!"

As we walked through the halls I stay behind the other two "keep moving" Thomas says to Teresa as she was looking at workers.

We make our way to an elevator, I pushed past the two boys and Teresa and pressed the button, I then went to my original position "really love?" Newt says behind his mask and i nod.

The doors opened and I sighed in relief as the doors close, a arm suddenly stuck out making the doors open, it was the one and only... Ratface.

I held my gun tighter as I stood behind the man "your working late" he says to Teresa who looked like she'd seen a ghost.

"You see that's what I like about you Teresa no matter how bleak things get you just.. you never give up, in times like these you need a family you can count on" he says, i point my gun at him anger flowing through me.

Newt puts a hand on the gun pushing it down "I'll bare that in mind" Teresa replied "there is one thing you should know.. one friend to another" Janson said.

"Y/n and Thomas are here" he says turning to Teresa and I froze in place "we picked them up outside the walls.. there may be a chance he'll contact you and it he does well I'd like to think I'd be your first call" he said.

"Are you going to kill them?" Teresa asks and I felt myself shake, Newt sneakily put an arm around my waist, i held my breath waiting for an answer from Janson "Will that be a problem?" He asks and Newt strokes my side making me release my breath.

I then heard a 'ping' sound, Newt removed his arm from my waist and i almost moaned disappointed "this is me" Teresa says and we follow her out, I take one look at Janson before leaving.

"Y/n you've got to listen to me getting that serum won't save Newt" Teresa says and I pin her up to a wall angrily "why not?" I growl taking off my mask.

"It might buy him some time but-" "just ignore her she's trying to get in your head" Newt says cutting her off and I keep her pinned to the wall glaring at her.

She looks at Thomas "you know what's going on out there people are dying, our world is dying there's something about your blood I don't understand" she says to Thomas, we all keep walking but I don't bother putting my mask back on.

"Open it" Thomas says as we near a door, she does as she was told "let me run some tests I promise I can protect you" she said and I laughed "you can't even fight for your own life"

Thomas removed his mask "yeah well did you both protect Minho?!" He snaps and I jump back shocked "I did everything I could to try and save him Thomas!" I shouted pushing him back.

He turns to Teresa "how many more people do you have to round up, torture, kill huh? When the hell does this stops" he asks angrily "it stops when we find a cure" Teresa answers.

"THERE IS NO GODDAMN CURE!" He snaps, i look at Newt and feel a tear fall from my eye "there is a cure.." I sob looking at Thomas "there has to be"

"Don't waste your breath Teresa!" Janson says behind us and I wipe my tears away aiming my gun at him "they made their choices long ago" he said.

"DROP IT KID!!" A guard shouts and I move closer to Newt and Thomas, i look at Thomas then Teresa, i aimed my gun at Teresa's head holding her tight.

"Back up!" Thomas yells behind me "hey guys c'mon, I've known you for as long as you can remember your not gonna shoot her, Thomas won't allow it" Janson laughs I cock my gun ready to fire.

"Oh yeah?" I glare "okay c'mon then shoot her" Janson says lowering his gun "Tommy... she will do it." Newt says and then I feel myself be pushed into Newt.

We then get pushed into a room and Teresa presses a button making a door close in front of us, they start shooting the glass and I feel something hit my arm.

I look to see my arm bleeding but ignore it, 'Minho and Newt first' I thought to myself, Janson then saw my arm and smirked whilst banging on the door.

Thomas walks away and Newt takes his mask off revealing his face and i smile, alarms were now going off and I run with the boys.

We walk through a science lab area I felt blood pour down my arm and sighed we hid in a room and soldiers went past us shouting orders obviously trying to find us.

As we walk again I spot Ava Paige, so does Thomas and we stop our steps looking at her, she also stopped returning the stare, Thomas got out his gun and pointed it at her.

"Thomas! Y/n!" Newt yells pulling us back, I yell in pain as another bullet hits me, this time on my shoulder, we run away from the gunshots.

We then enter another part of the labs and aim our guns at the people who were working.

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