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GALLY REMOVES a metal drain cover to reveal a tunnel, Gally grabs a ladder and slots it downwards so we're able to climb down and up.

I look at Newt and take his hand in mine "would you like to go with me?" I ask and he smiles at me "of course love." I turn to Gally he already started climbing down "Gally.." Frypan calls "look after them, and yourself" he says patting his back.

"Will do" Gally replies climbing down I let Newt tie up his laces but notice him examining his hand, he then holds it watching me climb down.

He then climbs in with me and we were all down in the sewers "ew.. this is gross" Newt says as Gally flashes his flashlight around.

He then finds a switch and flips it, lights appeared lighting up the whole tunnel as we walk the lights end and Gally leads us to a hole in a brick wall.

"Alright this way!" He says crawling through he reaches the end of the tunnel "hold up!" He looked out and I realised the sound of something was making its way towards us, it got louder and louder.

I hold Newt's hand and he strokes his thumb at the back of mine giving me a smile, a train then passes us, it was quite a long train.

"We gotta be quick about this!" Gally shouts to us "stay on me, okay?" I nod to him and Newt does the same, the train then passes us "OKAY LETS GO!" Gally yells jumping down from the hole in the brick wall.

We quickly follow after him, dust following us, some went in my face and I sneezed as Gally puts the vent cover over the hole in the wall.

"I like trains" I smile at newt who returns the smile "We'll see another one soon.. CMON!!" Gally yells he then runs past us, Newt in front of me.

"Gally what the hell are we doing!?" I ask "Less talking more running!" He replies, the lights start to flicker as we continue sprinting, another train was coming.

"GALLY!!" I shout, he turns to me then back forward "CMON! WERE ALMOST THERE!!" He yells, i go ahead of Newt a little "CMON NEWT YOU CAN DO THIS!!" I say continuing to sprint.

I notice newt falling behind holding his arm "NEWT!!CMON!!" I shout as the train comes into view, me and Gally begin to climb a ladder but Newt falls "NEWT!!" I scream trying to run to him but Gally pulls me back running to him instead.

"NEWT!!" I scream but the train comes and I press myself on the wall avoiding the train, I close my eyes letting a single tear fall, the train passes and I keep my eyes close not wanting to see.

I then heard a groan which made me shoot my eyes open I look to see Gally on his knees heavily breathing "well, never were great runners were we Newt?" Gally says.

"Well I've only got one good leg" Newt says as Gally helps him up "Yeah and I've only got one good lung" Gally replies I hug Gally and Newt giving them both kisses on the cheeks.

"I thought I lost you both" I say holding them tight, we climb the ladder and go up to a door only to walk into a crowd of busy people, we were obviously in a train station.

Most of the people had face coverings others didn't we run up the steps to get out from underground, as we reach the top I drop my jaw, it was beautiful lights all over the buildings lighting up the place.

"This is a long way from the glade." Newt says "yep we gotta get off the streets, I know it's hard but act like you've seen it before" Gally says and i close my jaw looking around holding Newt's hand.

We waited for a patrol car to pass us then we sneakily cross the road tucking into a building as another patrol car passes "definitely have security" Gally says facing us "I'm guessing you shanks have something to do with that".

"Alright let's get out of here" he says as we run into an alleyway, we had to climb over a wall, Gally gave me a boost helping me up.

We were walking along the big wall that protects the city I believe, we walk into a door and climb some stairs going upwards "there it is!" Gally says making his way to a telescope and picking it up.

"If WICKED's got Minho, that's where they're keeping him" he says sliding the telescope on a pole facing it to the tall building in front of us.

"The place is crawling with soldiers" he says looking through "there's scanners on every floor" he informs us and I groan "sounds like a bloody fortress" Newt says.

I shiver at the cold, i wrap my arms around my black hoodie. "Didn't you say you have a way in?" I ask and he turns to me "I might." He replies.

"Might!? What do you mean might!" I question, he backs away from the telescope "Take a look" he says and i looking into it.

I look to see people in a lab, I turn to the right a little more to see a familiar person, Teresa. "I said I had a way in, I didn't say you'd like it, most of you may not like it" Gally says.

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