Chapter 3

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Waking up in a dark room, not knowing where the hell I am is definitely not the best situation to be in.  Stretching my arms, my drooping eyes recognize Jamie’s rather large guest bedroom.  A dark brown ball of fur, who I’m assuming is Cash, lays at the foot of the queen sized bed.  The bright screen of my phone tells me I have to be at the rink in thirty minutes.  

Starting to feel like a daily routine, I reluctantly and clumsily get out of bed.  I make my way over to the bathroom, deciding on another braid for the day.  I splash my face with water, deciding to go hunt down some breakfast and a tooth brush.  I grab Cash on the way out, walking down the long hallway into the living room.  Tyler and Jordie are passed out, sharing the couch.  Marshall is laying beside Tyler, stretched out and slightly snoring on the rug.  I pass on waking them up, knowing how cranky they both can be.  I tiptoe my way over to Jamie’s room, hit with the smell of shampoo and aftershave.  

“Jamie??” I crack the bedroom door open slightly, staying still and waiting for a response.  

“Hey, come in,” I hear his raspy voice call from what seems like his bathroom.  I walk in quickly, plopping down on the edge of his bed with Cash.  Jamie walks out soon after, his hair still wet from the shower.  He smiles at me warmly, stopping to pet Cash. 

“When you’d get up?” I look up at his towering figure. 

“About twenty minutes ago, I was gonna come wake you and the guys up but you beat me to it,” 

“I didn’t bother with the sleeping beauties in there, they’re practically dead,” I sigh as Jamie walks around the room, seeming to gather what he needs before practice.  “I almost forgot! Do you have a toothbrush I could use?” I cringe at the thought of my horrid morning breath at the moment. 

Jamie runs into his bathroom, grabs an extra from his drawer, and hands it back to me, “You do that, I’ll wake them up, and we can leave for morning skate,” 

I nod my head in accordance, making my way into his bathroom and quickly brushing my teeth.  The sleek dark room has a dark gray stone shower with transparent doors and a large sink.  Jamie’s whole apartment is very minimal and modern, reflecting the opposite of Jamie's personality.  

I grab one of Jamie’s sweatshirts, throwing it over my wrinkled jeans from last night, instantly engulfed in the familiar comforting and woodsy scent that could ever only belong to Jamie.  The shrilling sound of my text tone resonates through the apartment, drawing me from sniffing the sweatshirt senseless.  Grabbing the spare toothbrush, I walk over to the guest room, checking my phone.  I have a few texts from Paige, and one recent from Jim, reminding me to pick something up for the team.  

Jamie peeks his head around the door, informing me that they’re leaving soon.  I grab my bag and make my way to the living room, sitting down on one of the bars stool.  Jordie breezes by, attempting to throw a groggy smile my way.  I chuckle lightly, recalling how cranky he is in the morning.  Tyler walks into the kitchen, causing my mind to wonder back to last night.  My cheeks heat up almost instantly.  I shouldn’t be so affected by it so much, but he is Tyler Seguin after all.  

Jamie finally reappears, chewing something enthusiastically while walking towards the kitchen.  I wait, scrolling through my phone mindlessly while trying to brainstorm ideas for the team’s breakfast.  

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