Chapter 21

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One more mile and I can totally forget about that pint of ice cream Paige and I went through last night. One more.

I recite the same words as sweat drips down my face, soaking my shirt far more than expected. Paige has given up and reduced down to a walk, behind me with Noah far ahead of us by at least half a mile. Kanye West's "Power" legitimately powers me through the last quarter mile and I slow to a leisurely pace. Paige jogs up behind me and slaps my butt before stopping beside me with an exhausted smile.

"That pint of mint chocolate chip was getting me through those last minutes." My breath comes out choppy and she just nods her head in agreement.

"Unlike you and Noah, I am not training for a marathon so the second I pass mile two, I'm out," she glances down at her phone, checking the time. "We should head back to the car, I gotta go and get ready for work."

The sun slowly rises around us. The early morning light slips through the branches of the trees and sets a peaceful glow on the trail as we walk back. Noah greets us when I pull out my keys and unlock the doors.

"I feel like a chauffeur. You need to cough up some gas money, my friend." Noah ignores my harmless jab and calls shotgun, sticking his tongue out at Paige and climbing into the Jeep. The sound of a phone ringing grabs my attention and I look around to find mine already in Noah's hands.

"Hello," His deep voice answers the call with his eyes trained on me. I mouth 'who is it' but he ignores me by putting the keys in the ignition and turning on the air conditioning. Noah nods his head a few times accompanied by a couple more mumbles and grunts before he hands the phone back to me with an annoyed look.

"Jade?" Tyler's warm and raspy morning voice snaps me right out of the exhausted mood after my run. I close my eyes to savor the sound before bringing myself back down to reality. Setting the phone between my shoulder and left ear, I start the trek back to our apartment.

"Hey, yeah I'm here." I sound very breathless and I'm pretty sure it's not from the four mile run.

"Why does that asshole have to answer all your calls?" I can picture Tyler running a hand down his face and scratching his beard with a questioning look. The image causes me to smile and makes me warm all over as I make a right turn and ignore Noah's repeating sighs.

"It's happened twice. Would you prefer to be my personal assistant and answer my calls on the daily?"

"I would if that led to the end of his annoying voice speaking every time I call you." I roll my eyes at Tyler's immature opinion of Noah and avoid the subject from advancing any further.

"Has the bus gotten to the airport yet?" Tyler's been away for almost two weeks. The last time I saw him was the night the Stars lost to Minnesota.

"Just pulled in. Boarding doesn't happen for another thirty minutes though. How are you spending your morning?" He sounds tired over the phone but this long stretch of games has done everything to help the Stars.

"All three of us went on a run. I'm walking into my room now, I need a shower."

Tyler groans ever so slightly and his voice becomes deeper, if that's even possible. "Don't tell me that, you tease. I know what you're trying to do."

"You asked what I was up to and I answered your question. I don't see a problem with that." I plop down onto my bed, with a knowing smile on my face. I am glad that Noah is no longer seething next to me in the car. "Hold on give me a second, I can't get my shirt off with the phone by my ear." I hold back my laugh at the thought of Tyler rolling his eyes when I hear another grunt after placing the phone back by my ear.

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