Chapter 12

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My heart seems to be racing a mile a minute as I watch Tyler skate down the ice, making his way towards the goal. The game's tied, three to three and Tyler has been placed on the ice for the shootout. I can't see his face but I can sense the pressure he has to be feeling in this moment. The crowd gathered in the arena stay quiet, inching out of their seats as they wait to see Tyler's next move. Everything seems to slow down as he approaches closer, faking left and taking a shot. The Bruin's goalie, Tuukka Rask, dives for the puck but Tyler's shot is fast enough to make it past him and into the goal. My hands go up automatically with a huge smile on my face. He loops around the corner of the ice, fist pumping continuously until he is interrupted by the team tackling him. He did it, he really showed the Bruins what they gave up. My smile doesn't budge when I give Jim a huge hug, jumping up and down like the Stars are down on the ice.

After a game like that I'm glad I came to Boston this weekend. Even though I was complaining the whole time up until the game it was well worth it. My cheeks are starting to hurt from all the smiling when Jim suggests we join the team in the locker room. I see Jordie first, giving him a high five along with Cody and Vernon. The guys preoccupy themselves with the task of taking off their skates before Lindy walks in. He starts talking specifics of the game and I slip out of the room and sit down on a nearby bench.

I'm beyond proud of the team, especially Tyler for making that win possible for the Stars. I can't help but wonder if my words affected him that much. Maybe it was a lucky shot? I try not to dwell on the details but the need to know is burning a hole in the back of my head. It sucks to think that he has to return here a couple times a season, forced to reminisce on old memories. Even though Tyler's happily settled in Dallas, the Bruins was his first NHL team. That was important no matter the circumstances.

Jamie sits down next to me, his once neatly styled hair is now sweaty and disheveled. He pushes it out of his face continuously but fails when a few pieces settle back down on his forehead I avoid getting to close to him considering the smell coming off of him.

"How's your after game glow doing right about now?" I smirk up at him.

"Pretty stellar at this point. We've been gaining some points and I know we still have some work to do but am I complete idiot to say that playoffs isn't impossible at this point?"

"Not at all, you guys have been playing really good lately. The team seems to be improving daily. Now if we could only get Val back on the ice," I'm not exaggerating when I say I think the Stars have a chance to make it to the playoffs. They have just over ten games left of the regular season, hopefully leaving enough time to make their way up into one of the playoff spots. Jamie just smiles and nods at my response. He lays his head against the wall, closing his eyes.

"Too bad we aren't heading home tonight. Hotel beds kill my neck," Jamie rolls his neck continuously. Trevor peaks his head around the corner, calling Jamie in for something. He still hasn't changed out of his lower gear. He has his skates still on along with all his padding as he walks back into the locker room.

I catch myself yawning several times as I wait, scrolling through Twitter and checking some NHL reports on tonight's game. The sound of the locker room opening causes me to look up, meeting eyes with Jamie and Tyler. They're all smiles as they mess around with each other on the way over to me. I hope they're finally ready to leave. I glance at the clock and realize that I have been waiting thirty minutes. Tyler nods in my direction politely when I glance over at him. Alright, serious Tyler for the rest of the night.

The guys look all put together and about the opposite of hockey players as they lead the way out of the arena in their suits, heading to the bus that is waiting to take us back to the hotel. I follow the same seating arrangement as before, siting between the two of them. Tyler doesn't seem tense like he was on the way here but he still seems distant, like he's physically here but not really present any other way.

After a few minutes of waiting around, the bus is put in drive. I hear loud yelling before we can pull off, averting all of our eyes to see someone yelling running frantically toward us in the dark lot. The bright beard contrasting against his dark suit catches my attention immediately and I know that it's Jordie. He surprisingly doesn't say anything when he eventually gets settled, huffing and puffing a few times as he looks around the bus.

We move forward for a second time, reminding me of the one step forward and two step backward nature of the confusing hockey player to the right of me.


By the time we get off the plane in the morning, I'm ready to get home and sleep for hours. The team piles off sleepily and it's clear all of them are tired from last night's game. The Stars will be back traveling again in three days, meaning that they have a short break before thrown back into game mode. Jamie and Tyler walk next to each other as I walk behind them with Jason next to me.

"Since when is this whole 'daddy thing' an actual name fans call me? I've had like twenty comments on it in the past day," he shakes his head as he scrolls through his phone.

"Lemme see this." I grab the phone out of his hand. I start giggling almost immediately, finding the multiple comments about 'Daddy Demers' quite amusing. "Sorry, sorry these girls are hilarious," I scroll through another fan page before he takes the phone back. He shakes his head at me even though he has a smile on his face. I almost forget that Jamie has to take me home when I spot him standing at the door. He looks over at me, seeming impatient along with his exhaustion. I hurry over with my two bags and walk right past him and out the door. I hear his footsteps behind me as we walk to the car.

The drive back is relatively quiet mostly because we both settle into a comfortable sleep deprivation induced silence. It isn't an awkward silence with Jamie considering he's quiet half the time. He listens and pays attention but you can always hear his deep voice add something to the conversation. Everyone on the team is fun to be around but Jamie makes you feel welcome. I lay my head against the cooled car window as he drives me back to the apartment.

I didn't get a chance to talk to Tyler based off the fact that he was busy celebrating the win. I wanted to try to talk to him but he seems to slip away whenever I try tracking him down after a game. I sigh lightly as I think over the past few weeks involving Tyler. He overwhelms me and pushes me to the brink of utter annoyance but I wouldn't want anyone to replace him. I don't even know what the hell I'm saying around him half the time.

Jamie parks outside my place, waving goodbye and promising to see me tomorrow at practice. I groan at the thought of another week just like the past one. I trudge to my door, sliding my key in and opening it up. It seems empty at a first glance and I notice that Paige cleaned up a little in my absence. I take a mental note to text her after my nap and see where she is. I drop my bags off into my room and decide to bother with all my dirty laundry later on. Grabbing a blanket, I plop down onto the huge, comfy couch. My eyes close and before I get a chance to slip off into a deep slumber something hits me directly in the face. I jump up immediately and find a pillow sitting on my chest. I hear Noah's laugh before I see him standing in the hallway. He's grinning from ear to ear as he walks over towards me. His blonde hair has grown even longer since I saw him last. It's pushed off from his forehead, showing his tanned skin. He hasn't shaved recently based off his stubbled face.

"Ah Jade, did you get even hotter?" he leans over the back of the couch and hugs me tightly. I can feel his muscles through his shirt when his arms tighten around my waist. Noah was never a small or gangly guy. From what I can tell, he filled out quickly based off the family photos I have seen of him and his sister. His bright eyes light up as he speaks quickly, moving around the room at record speed.

"Good one. How are you even tan right now?" I laugh lightly and forget my plans of an afternoon nap when Noah sits down in a chair and throws me into a year's length of stories.

author's note- NEW CHARACTER OH SNAP

alright I suck for not updating for 9 DAYS but I am back in business! i hope this wasn't too short, I just finished typing this up so I could upload it and not wait any longer! thank you all so much for reading and voting. I've said it before but you guys make my day everyday!!

Business Affairs // Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now