Chapter 24

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author's note- hi, hello!  okay this was like a month ago (nov 6) but I saw the Stars play against the Hurricanes and MY DALLAS BOYS WON! Here to tell all of you who haven't seen him in person yet that the rumors are indeed true, Tyler Seguin is even hotter in person...believe me it's possible.

YOU'RE ALL BABES FOR READING BUSINESS AFFAIRS IN THE FIRST PLACE AND I CAN'T THANK U GUYS ENOUGH!!! ALSO, I put up a new cover...I suck at making them but I wanted some change!! Thanks for all the sweet comments on the last chapter! I'm trying to write but school seems to be my constant excuse...HOPE U LIKE THIS :-)

P.S. I would recommend listening to my man, the weeknd, while reading idk why but his voice and the mood and some of the things he sings bout on his newest album kinda remind me of tyler & his commitment probs and all that (i know half his songs are about sex and drugs but i dig it)!! okay I'm done for real now ;)

Tyler keeps his eyes trained on me as I falter a bit in my steps, managing to gain my footing and unconsciously breaking away from Noah's arm wrapped around me. He walks toward Francis, hopping in the passenger quickly, but not without giving Tyler a warning glare and rolling down the window of the car door. I refrain from analyzing Tyler up and down as he leans against the intimidating Mercedes, wearing a sleek grey suit and black tie and dress shirt to complete the outfit. The sleeves of the suit are rolled up slightly, giving me a view of some of his tattoos.

Now only a few feet away from Tyler, I stand as firm as I can, considering my wobbly legs, in front of him. His eyes seem to be melt into a soft amber shade by the setting sun as they continue to peruse me up and down. Well, seems like it's Serious Seguin for the night.

My throat clears after a few moments of silence and Tyler steps forward, opening his mouth and asking, "You got my voicemail, right?" Those warm golden eyes break down my defenses and I answer a few beats later than normal.

"I'm surprised you even remember that you left me one," Tyler winces at my snide comment and I realize I should have gone with the hardly phased facade. "How did you know I was here?"

"I tried your apartment and no one answered. I thought you were ignoring me at first but I figured Paige would've been back from work already and drove over hoping you'd be here." I almost want to press my palm against my chest in order to stop my heart from swelling over one minor act of his.

The sun is almost completely set around us, taking the light and the warmth of the air with it. I'm tempted to slide my shirt back on but when Tyler's eyes continue to linger I decide on keeping my arms at my sides for a bit longer.

"Jade," Tyler's use of my name never fails to make my heart skip slightly but I try to hide my reaction and focus, "I can tell you're pissed off-"

"Oh, I wonder why considering one minute 'you can't get enough of me' and the next you are hooking up with someone else. I walked into this believing that you at least had the decency to stick to one girl."

He sighs, running a hand through his hair and saying, "I don't know what you want me to say to that. You know what I'm like."

"See that's the thing Tyler. I thought I knew what you were like but it seems to me that we are right back where we were a few weeks ago. Is it too much to ask what you want out of this?" I gesture between the two of us and he catches my hand, pulling me to his chest softly. Tyler could overpower me if I tried to resist but I don't, only pulling away slightly to look up at him. One of his calloused hands rests just below my ear as his fingers move up and down at the back of my neck. I have a love-hate relationship with the instant effect he has on me. I tell myself that I should pull away but the weaker side of my mind gives in to his touch.

Business Affairs // Tyler SeguinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora