Chapter 15

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I'm surrounded by a sea of red and green, two team colors contrasting greatly in the crowd of fans. People file into American Airlines Center ahead of me as talk excitedly about the upcoming game. Green jerseys with multiple numbers shape the Stars main leg of support. Excitement buzzes through the crowd and reaches me too when I smile, looking forward to tonight's game.

The Stars are looking for a win against the Capitals tonight. I've decided that I'm past the point of assessing each and every team and deciding if they're going to beat the Stars. Each and every game is different but oh so familiar. Teams set out on the ice to prove something and that can change at any moment.

The Capitals are a strong team, but the Stars are too. I'm running over the Capital's roster when I run into something hard. Seriously, again? I brush my hair away from my face when I finally regain my composure. A tall and muscular guy stands in front of me, his long hair tucked under a Capital's beanie. Ah, the typical hockey flow. He towers over me, probably past the mark of six foot. The silent stranger finally looks down, giving me a chance to see his face properly. I glance back at my phone quickly, matching the handsome guy in front of me with a forward on the Capital's roster.

"Tom Wilson?" I don't even know why I bother asking, I know it's him. I think he's a bit younger than me but with his killer looks and build, he seems lightyears away.

"You don't look like a Caps fan," he furrows his brow at me as he looks down, continuing to make me feel like a midget. I push my hair out of the way so it falls down my back and shows the Stars sticker Jordie placed on my jacket. His eyes follow my movements and a look of understanding glazes over. Tom moves his eyes from the sticker and back to mine, narrowing them slightly. His heavy gaze sears right through me but I keep my ground and try not to squirm.

"Hey Wilson, Caps don't play as dirty without you out on the ice," a voice emerges from a side hallway. I would know that voice anywhere, even if it was miles away. Tyler strides over to where we stand, skates and all. His gaze matches the intenseness of Tom's and scorches even more than I thought possible. Tyler's tattoos peak past his jersey when he moves, making me want to rip it off of him. He meets my eyes and I feel my face flush as if on call. "Jim's looking for you." Tyler keeps his eyes on mine as he stands by me. I look back over to Tom who is clenching his jaw.

"This your girl, Seguin?" my heart practically jumps out of my chest when I hear Tom ask Tyler. He has inched closer towards me, I can now feel his body heat hitting my shoulder. Breathe, Jade, breathe. Tyler stays quiet when I shake my head quickly.

"Well in that case it was good to meet you..." Tom trails off, looking down at me questionably.

"Jade, nice to meet you too" I smile tightly as he walks away, brushing past me on his way out. I still feel the pressure of Tyler's surveying once he's gone. Great, now I'm alone with him. Nothing good happens when I'm left alone with Tyler.

"And to think I thought he was a nice guy." Tyler shakes his head and looks down at his stick.

"Seemed perfectly fine to me," I shrug my shoulders and try not to focus on the bulging veins in Tyler's hands.

"He was looking for a hook up, plain and simple." I guess tonight is just filled with repeats. I catch myself close to snorting in amusement, considering last time I was told this Noah was talking about Tyler.

"You were here for two seconds and you think you can conclude that. Plus, I am just fine handling myself, thank you very much" I roll my eyes and his seem to darken instantaneously. Crossing my arms against my chest, I keep my gaze on him, not breaking eye contact. The recognizable electricity travels between us, making me wonder if he feels the same shit that I do. "Hasn't warmups started already?" I look over at the ice down the hallway.

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