Chapter 10

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Jamie wakes me up in the morning, barging into my room and shaking my shoulder until he pulls me from my deep sleep. I can already tell I'm going to be rolling my eyes constantly today. I texted Jim in anger last night, mad at him for not telling me his plans of my attendance in Boston this weekend. I planned on catching up with Paige and going shopping with her, a total girls weekend.

Jamie won't stop talking about the game on the way to practice. I really wish it was an optional morning skate so I didn't have to be there. He's driving Francis since I'm still half asleep in the passenger. I haven't said much this morning, exhausted from the game last night.

That's saying something considering I don't even play the actual game. It's already noon, we have fifteen minutes until the start of practice. Jamie jumps out of the car, walking around to open my door and drags me into the rink. Multiple fans are sitting in the bleachers, seeming excited that the practice is open to the public today. A couple of girls wave to Jamie as we walk by them. He smiles widely, saying hello, resulting in several squeals from the girls. I stifle a laugh as he continues to drag me towards the locker room.

"Go get ready, I'm gonna go find myself somewhere to sleep," I don't bother checking in with Jim, knowing that all the work I needed to do for today is already done. I manage to find a comfy chair near the rink, sitting down and drowsily watching the practice.

Paige calls me halfway through, practically yelling at me when I tell her I won't be home this weekend. I stay on the phone with her till the end of practice, hearing her office drama. I promise that we will eventually get to have our girl's weekend and hope to see her on Sunday. Jamie walks up to me as I end the call, sitting down in the chair across from me.

"I take it you weren't napping?" he smirks over at me.

"No, it was a little hard with all the pucks hitting the boards," I lay back in the seat, not wanting to get up. Before Jamie can respond to my complaint, what sounds like squealing interrupts us, bringing both mine and Jamie's attention towards three girls standing by us.

"Sorry Jamie, we were just wondering if we could get a picture with you," one girl who looks about fifteen speaks up, her face is bright red as she tries not to stutter.

"Yeah, of course," he gets up from the seat, grabbing one of the girl's phones and turning around to me, "Hey lazy, take this will ya?" I roll my eyes at him as I take the phone and stand up.

The girls gather around Jamie, smiling wide as I angle the phone and take a few pics. I hand the phone back to the first girl who spoke up, smiling at her lightly. They continue to talk to Jamie as I stand beside him. He tells them that he should get going, signaling the end of the conversation.

The group says thanks again to Jamie, turning around and heading for the exit of the rink. Tyler passes them on their way out, gaining another round of squeals as they walk by. He walks over to Jamie and I, who are still standing by the chairs. Tyler plops down on one of the chairs followed by Jamie who takes the second one.

"Okay that is totally not fair I was here first," I cross my arms against my chest, sticking my tongue out at both of them.

"We just had a two hour practice Cunningham, maybe next time," Tyler looks over at me, rolling his eyes.

"You do not roll your eyes at me Seguin, that's my thing," I hear Jamie chuckle to the right of me, "Don't laugh at me you stole my chair," it seems to be Tyler's turn now when he starts to laugh. He has his signature hat on, covering his messy hair. He looks effortlessly sexy as usual. I sit on the arm of Jamie's chair, shaking my head at the both of them.

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