Chapter 20

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I tried not to be affected by Tyler leaving an hour after I fell asleep. I tried not to think about it too much and get pissed off even more. I tried not to overanalyze the situation.

I failed.

Paige's interrogations did nothing to help either. She attacked me a minute after the sun rose the next day, or it at least seemed like that. All she did was remind me even more of how pissed I really was. Noah had a smug grin on his face when I walked into the kitchen with no sight of Tyler anywhere.

"Come on, let's go scream our lungs out." Paige stops me from assessing the last couple of days in my mind and drags me into the American Airlines Center.

"I doubt that'll be fun but we could try." my voice sounds hollow and I'm annoyed with myself for being so hung up on Tyler and his confusing nature. Maybe the whole thing was a dream and I never had Chinese and experienced the best kiss in awhile with the NHL asshole.

The only thing I can be pleased with is the fact that Paige is joining me for the last home game in awhile, here in Dallas. They take off tomorrow for a long road trip facing off against some huge teams including the Rangers. Playoff time is coming closer then I expected and I'm sure I'm not the only one who's nervous.

"Don't get so down in the dumps he will probably attack you in the elevator again." Paige nudges me when someone walks by with a Seguin jersey like it's something unusual.

"That's the thing! I don't want him all over me when he's so wishy washy," my voice makes me seem more disappointed then angry. We find our seats and settle down with a cup of beer in our hands. Alcohol is something I might need to get through the night. "I'm telling myself it's no big deal but once I see him warming up, I'm done for."

"You and me both, sister." Paige raises her cup and takes a quick sip before grabbing the flag that the center passes out before each game. "When I first saw his name I thought it was pronounced like 'Segoon.' Then when you talked about him I realized I was dumb to think that was how it was said. I should've just googled it."

I roll my eyes at her. She's specific about the dumbest things. "I don't wanna talk about him, you are gonna give me another headache." I say with a shake of my head, even though we both know Paige isn't the source of the pounding at the front of my head.

"Wow what a little shit." I manage to mumble under my breath without Paige hearing me. Tyler skates past me as he makes a few laps around the ice for warmups. The beard is (almost) back and kickin'. And it looks so good I'm tempted to smack the smirk right off his face. He looks better than ever in the Stars jersey with his styled hair and large smile as Jamie and him joke around. I huff and puff in my seat as Paige squeals beside me, sounding a lot like the girls in front of us. Avoiding eye contact with anyone other than Jamie, I sip on my beer and tap my foot along to the song blasting through the speakers.


The sticks of the Minnesota Wild raise and stand up tall at the sound of the buzzer. The Stars lost with a two point difference, giving Minnesota a total shutout for the night. Paige heads over to join the long line for the bathroom and I set up camp against a nearby wall as I wait.

By the time she finishes up and walks out, the center is almost completely empty. A few kids loiter around the entrance into the actual rink as they take pictures. Paige calls my name to grab my attention and points her finger towards the group. I look between her and the children in confusion. Then I see him. In a suit. Why am I not surprised that I can't seem to blink right now. Paige yells my name again and Tyler looks up this time. Damn her. I quickly turn around and grab Paige's arm, speed walking as fast as possible.

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