Chapter 5: The Girl's Bathroom

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Chapter 5: The Girl's Bathroom

It was now three weeks into the new school term, and time seemed to be soaring by. Estela was enjoying her lessons very much. So much, in fact, that she had forgotten about the task Dumbledore had given her. Or perhaps she was just avoiding it.

The workload this year was far heavier than last year, that was certain, but she had promised Dumbledore that she would help him. And thus far, she wasn't really doing that at all.

At the weekend Dumbledore called her to his office, and as soon as she read the note written in his distinctly curvy, crimson writing, she could feel the guilt bubbling in her stomach. She knew the professor would be expecting a full report on her progress with Riddle. So how was she going to tell him that she hadn't really made any progress?

Estela knocked on the door with the golden plaque and entered to see Dumbledore sitting as usual at his desk, encircled by parchment and books and magical little trinkets.

"Ah Estela, have a seat," said Dumbledore, and as he waved his wand his cluttered desk tidied its self, the parchment and books piling on top of one another neatly. "How are you finding your lessons this year?"

"Very good thank you, Professor, I must say Transfiguration is becoming very interesting."

Dumbledore chuckled. "I'm very pleased you think so. It appears you've already learnt the majority of what I'm teaching." He said, lowering his head to look at Estela over his half-moon glasses. "And how is everything coming along with Mr. Riddle?"

Estela looked away quickly, trying not to meet the Professor's eyes. How could she tell him that she'd made no effort at all with Riddle?


"Well, honestly, Professor," she said curtly as she contemplated what to say."I myself haven't been doing that well, but Riddle has been making an attempt to converse with me."

Dumbledore sat back in his seat and laced his fingers together, examining Estela over his glasses. "How peculiar..." He said quietly, more to himself than to Estela.

Estela nodded. "Riddle never usually talks to any of the students if he can help it. And he's never spoken to me unless he has to. Why do you think he's suddenly taken an interest in me, sir?"

"I do not know. If what you say is true, and he is rather more interested in you than usual, your task might be easier than we originally thought. However, I must advise you to be careful. Riddle can be misleading. He might try to use you to his own advantage. After all, you are the only other student who is a close equal to his abilities. Just keep that in mind, Estela."

"Of course, Professor. I'll try my best."


It was still bright outside, as the sun was beginning to set over the hilltops. The majority of the school would be in the Great Hall having dinner now, but Estela wasn't hungry. She decided she'd go and visit the Library. It was one of her favourite and much-loved places in the entire castle, overflowing with facts and information - peace and quiet. It was where she went to escape from time to time.

As she walked to the Library, thoughts spun in circles in her head: He's suddenly started talking to me..."He can be misleading"..."He might use me to his own advantage"...

She reached the Library and stood outside the door to look inside. It appeared to be empty, not even the librarian, Madam Pyre, seemed to be there - everyone must be taking advantage of the last of the warm weather before winter arrived with its chilling churn of cold.

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