Chapter 20: Little Hangleton

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Chapter 20: Little Hangleton

The blinding light of the sun that was shining through the window opposite the bed brought Estela to her senses. She squinted as her eyes adjusted to the brightness as she looked around the dormitory. It was empty. That's when her eyes fell on the clock in the corner of the large room and she realised she'd overslept.

She jumped out of bed, put on some clothes, quickly brushed her hair before she packed all of her clothes, a few books she felt might come in handy, money, her notebook, and a little black box. She stared at the little black box for a moment, hesitating before opening it. Inside, the box was lined with black velvet cushioning, where five miniature glass vials sat: an Anti-Paralysis Potion, an Antidote to Common Poisons, an Antidote to Veritaserum, Blood-Replenishing Potion and an Invisibility potion. She placed them back into her suitcase and closed it up.

As she put on her cloak, she heard a scrunching noise from behind her. She turned to see a small bit of parchment on her pillow. She picked it up and inspected the front. Her name was written in crimson ink, with exquisite penmanship. However this was not Tom's writing. She opened the note and read,

Miss Markorp,

Before you depart, I request that you pay me a visit as soon as you can. I believe it to be of uttermost importance.

- Professor Dumbledore.

Folding up the letter, she headed out of the dormitory and looked down upon the Common Room. There, she saw many students in little groups, all holding their suitcases and wrapped up in multiple layers to brave the cold outside as they began making their way out of the Common Room and down the spiralling staircase.

Today was the day that students were going home for the Christmas holidays. Today was the day that Estela was leaving Hogwarts with Tom. Dragging her trunk across the Common Room, she paused at the thought - her mind weighing the outcomes of going with him or staying in the comfort and safety of Hogwarts.

She hated the idea of going. Each time she thought of travelling to an unknown location with a strange boy she experienced a strong sensation in her stomach that told her she shouldn't go. She couldn't help feel that something bad would happen. Something dangerous, perhaps. But she had promised him. She had promised very different things to both Tom and Dumbledore, and if she was to keep those promises, she had no choice but to go.

Estela opened her hand and re-read the note from Dumbledore again, trying to figure out what he wanted. The only thing she could think of was her reason for leaving Hogwarts. Dumbledore was a very wise man, and had surely seen the connection between both Tom and Estela leaving the school for the first time. With a deep breath, she held her suitcase and reluctantly headed for professor Dumbledore's office.

Professor Dumbledore was sitting at his desk, looking very merry indeed as he eyed a box of liquorice snaps on his desk before placing one in his mouth.

"Ah, Estela. Excuse my indulgence, I simply cannot resist a liquorice snap when they sit before me so temptingly," he said, offering one to Estela who politely shook her head in response.

"You wanted to see me about something, Professor?"

"Indeed," he said as he motioned for Estela to take a seat. "You have decided to leave Hogwarts for the holidays this year." His tone was innocent and curious, but his eyes were the opposite. They were interrogating her.

"Yes, sir." She said, her hand unintentionally tightening its grip on her trunk.

Dumbledore nodded slowly. "I see. Mr. Riddle has also decided to leave Hogwarts over the holidays this year, too." He paused, as though he knew Estela would react at those words, but she kept a straight face and the professor's lip twitched upwards. "I cannot imagine why he would want to return to the orphanage that he despises so much, can you?"

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