Chapter 18: Isolation

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Chapter 18: Isolation

After leaving Tom in the Room of Requirement, Estela stormed off down the corridors. She rushed down the stairs as quickly as she could until she finally came to a stop outside Professor Dumbledore's office. She didn't even knock before entering.

"Professor Dumbledore, I need to speak to you," she said, out of breath. Dumbledore looked taken aback at her stormy manner and looked at her attentively over his spectacles.

"Take a seat, Estela," he said calmly, as he signalled to the chair at the opposite side of his desk. "What can I do for you?"

"It's about the task, sir. The things he's up to! The things he's done and plans to do! They're outrageous!" she blurted. She was speaking very quickly, and Dumbledore raised his hand slowly before he said,

"What is he up to?" he enquired.

"Terrible things, professor. Dark things," she informed him in a low tone, "Earlier this evening he asked if I would help him! He wants to form some sort of partnership with me!" Dumbledore surveyed Estela for a moment and rested his head on his hands.

"Well I do hope you agreed," he said, raising his eyebrows, his brilliant blue eyes glistening at her. Estela opened her mouth, a surprised look upon her face. That wasn't the reaction she had expected.

"Well, yes - yes I agreed, but Professor-"

"Then you acted wisely, Estela," he interrupted as he got up from his desk and began pacing around his classroom, as though his mind was working at an incredible speed.

"But, sir! The things he plans to do! The things he wants me to help him with!"

"I cannot know," he said as he suddenly as he stopped and looked at her, "You have made the right decision. He has obviously trusted you with this information." he began pacing around the classroom once more, concentrating hard on something.

"But these things, professor. I believe they could be dangerous. Not just to me, but to others," she said.

"Precisely," said the professor, not stopping to look at Estela, "and if you act out your part, Estela, perhaps it will be possible to stop him from doing these 'dangerous things', as you say. I believe that things are finally beginning to take shape," he looked over at her and stepped closer, "It is now that your work truly begins."

"What exactly must I do, professor?" she questioned.

"What you have already started to do. But the time has come to truly begin changing him. You must rid him of these thoughts, these dark thoughts. You must persuade him to look to a lighter side, show him there is more to life and magic than what he believes."

"I do not think that will be possible, sir," she said quietly, looking down at her hands, remembering all the things he had told her, "he told me everything. All about his past and his parents. He told me-"

"Forgive me," Dumbledore cut across, "as much as I want to know, it is not for me to hear. I only want you to reveal these things to me if you are in danger. If such danger should arise, I want you to come to me immediately. Then you may tell me everything. But for now, these secrets must stay between you and Riddle. He has trusted you - for whatever reason that may be - but nevertheless he has done so. You must respect that privacy and so must I," he said, his blue eyes shining.

Estela nodded and got up from her seat. "I would like you to begin as soon as possible. The sooner we can rid him of his darkness, the better for all of us." He said as she walked out of the room.


The next morning, Estela was heading towards the Great Hall to get some breakfast. On her way, however, she noticed large amounts of people staring at her and giving her second glances before whispering to their friends. When she entered the Hall, numerous heads turned to look at her, and the Hall fell significantly more silent. She stopped and looked around at the faces, before they looked away and continued talking to their friends.

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