Chapter 16: Betrayal

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Chapter 16: Betrayal

Estela hurried along the corridors as she made her way back to the Ravenclaw Common Room, the rage evident on her face. She could not believe Riddle. A murderer! A psychopath!

Just like in the future. Just like Dumbledore had warned her. And she hadn't taken any of it seriously.

Suddenly the realisation that she was failing at her task made her stop in her tracks in the middle of an empty corridor. She was supposed to be the one stopping things like this from happening. She was the one who was supposed to be changing Tom and ridding him of these dark thoughts. She was the one to blame for this. Had her not been giving her full attention caused Tom to open the Chamber?

Something tugged at her insides that made her feel weak to the very marrow of her bones as she thought of Myrtle.

She was snapped out of her thoughts, however, when she felt something pulling lightly on her hair. She spun, wand raised, and saw Peeves the poltergeist floating above her.

"Well well, if it isn't goody-goody Estela," Peeves provoked.

"Not now, Peeves." Said Estela, as she continued to walk.

"Not now, Peeves! Not now, Peeves!" mocked the poltergeist, "I'm not listening to a little goody-two-shoes," he said as he blew a raspberry at Estela and whooshed straight through her, making her wobble on her feet.

"I mean it, Peeves, leave me alone." She warned, her anger rising.

"Perfect pansy prefect getting angry?" he cackled, as he disappeared through a wall. Estela rolled her eyes and continued walking. The poltergeist appeared ahead of her once more with a large amount of balled up pieces of parchment floating by his side.

"Peeves... don't-" Estela began, but before she could finish, a sea of paper came gushing towards her, surrounding her completely.

She felt as though she had dived into a pile of crisp autumn leaves, the top half of her body sticking out from beneath the papers. Peeves' cackles filled the corridor, as he swooped around and around in circles above her head. Estela began to manoeuvre herself out of the paper, when a silvery figure floated up behind Peeves.

"Peeves," bellowed the very deep voice of the plump silvery figure. Peeves's face dropped and his whole form changed completely, now looking akin to a cowering dog.

"Y-y-your lordship.... Y-y-y-your baronship... I wasn't doing any harm, sir," he said, his voice practically quivering.

"Silence, you bumbling buffoon." Roared the Bloody Baron's deep voice, "And clear this mess up this instant."

Estela couldn't help stare at the Bloody Baron, especially after what Tom had just told her. She doubted it was true, but she couldn't help stare at this commanding and mysterious figure with a certain curiosity, despite what he may have done in his past life.

Could they really be related? Could the stories actually be true? Was Estela a direct descendant of not one, but two of the Hogwarts founders? The ghost caught her eye for a split second, and his face changed slightly. It was a mixture of fright and sympathy. He gave Peeves one last cold glare before floating away through the opposite wall.

Estela began walking slowly, passing Peeves who was muttering all kinds of rude words under his breath. Instead of going straight to Ravenclaw tower, she took a detour and headed for Albus Dumbledore's office.

Dumbledore smiled when Estela entered the room, surveying her warily over his spectacles. "Estela. To what pleasure do I owe this unexpected visit?"

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