Chapter 29: A Ghostly Past

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Chapter 29: A Ghostly Past

Estela was sitting in her Transfiguration class where Albus Dumbledore had been testing a few members of the class on their transfiguration facts and preparing them for the upcoming exams.

"Your mock N.E.W.T examinations are on the horizon, and I'm sure you've all been revising hard," Dumbledore said as the students packed up their belongings at the sound of the bell. "These mock exams are very important, and are great practice for your final N.E.W.T examinations next year. I suggest that you use your time wisely," he said, looking around the class over his half-moon spectacles before he waved his hand as a signal they could leave. "Miss Markorp could I have a word, please?" He said in a quieter voice once most of the students had fled the classroom.

Estela walked up to his desk and sat in the chair opposite him. He seemed calm and merry as he picked up a liquorice snap from a small bowl on his desk after which he offered one to Estela who politely refused. His blue eyes always captivated Estela, they were always so bright and seemed to hold a thousand secrets.

"How is revision going?" he asked her.

"Very well, thank you, Professor."

"Good, very good," he said, nodding merrily as he chewed on the sweet in his mouth. "And how are things with Mister Riddle?" He said, a small change evident in his voice as he lowered his head slightly to examine her over his glasses. He sat back in his chair and laced his fingers together as he watched her intently.

Estela hesitated, "I feel that some progress has been made, Professor. I have a theory that his plan may not have worked accordingly," she said, thinking about his possible failed attempt at creating a Horcrux.

"Ah, how eager I am to know what he is up to!" he remarked disappointedly, "But I cannot interfere in the matter, though I trust you are doing well enough yourself."

Professor Dumbledore refused to let Estela tell him what Tom was up to with his Horcruxes, which distressed Estela to an extent. She wasn't sure that Dumbledore knew the lengths he was actually going to in order to achieve immortality.

"What progress have you made?" He asked her curiously.

"I have done as you said, Professor, and tried to target his feelings. If you can even classify them as feelings... It is a very difficult task, he's so reserved and is adamant that he feels nothing," She then added somewhat hesitantly. "However I believe otherwise."

Dumbledore regarded her for a moment, before giving her another small smile, "Good, I'm glad. It sounds as though you are handling things well, and I trust that you will do your best. Remember that I am always available should you ever need anything."

Estela took that as her queue to leave and smiled at Dumbledore as she got up from her chair. "Yes, of course. Thank you, Professor."

Estela walked across the courtyard as she made her way to her first Advanced Arithmancy class. With such a heavy workload already, she was not particularly looking forward to piling up more work on top of that, she simply kept telling herself that it was a privilege to be chosen, not a burden.

The warm May weather hit her as she felt the hot sun on her cheeks. The sky was clear, not a cloud in sight, and summer was definitely almost here. She spotted Cayra and Anthony sitting on one of the benches in the courtyard and made her way over to them.

"Hey, Estela!" Cayra greeted her with a large smile as she unwrapped her arm from around Anthony as they both moved up to make room for Estela to sit.

"Oh I won't be staying." She said as she saw them make room for her.

"Where are you off to? You're usually free this period, aren't you?" Anthony asked her, his eyes squinting in the bright sun.

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