Chapter 38: Awareness

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Chapter 38: Awareness

Her senses slowly returned to her body as it gradually awakened, along with a newfound throbbing pain in her head and a soreness that ran down her spine as the smell of a dying fire filled her nostrils. Something about the atmosphere surrounding her didn't feel right. Cautiously opening one eye, she scanned her surroundings, squinting in the harsh light that her eyes took time to adjust to. She looked around and saw she was lying in the tent, its fabric door flapping steadily in the breeze that blew its way in towards her.

As she struggled to lift herself upwards to rest on her elbows, her head felt as though it was dragging her down by miles as she groaned in pain at the heavy hammering within.

Then it hit her. Awareness came in a flash. This was not right. Thoughts scrambled themselves to the surface as flashing images gradually became clear in her mind. The ghostly feeling of cold, solid silver grazing her fingertips and the gleam of a large, oval sapphire infringed her thoughts, along with the memory of a bright surge of red light jetting towards her, and the precious diadem slipping out of her longing grasp.

A newfound focus and strength overwhelmed her as she launched herself upwards and marched out of the tent, trying her best to ignore the pain searing through her entire body, for the simultaneous anger and fear that was rising up within her overpowered the pain. Her eyes fixed upon her prey. Fury didn't even cover whatever powerful hatred she was feeling towards him right now.

"You bastard!" she growled, storming towards him. "You absolute bastard!" she repeated, her voice louder this time as she approached him. "You cursed me!"

Tom maintained an unfazed manner as he sat before the dying campfire, despite the fact that she was looming above him. He was casually twirling his wand around in his fingers, not even bothering to acknowledge her presence. When he said nothing, her fists immediately clenched and her anger seemed to take control as she forced Tom's wand out of his hands with a harsh wave of her own.

"Look at me!"

He paused for a moment as his empty hand closed around the space his wand has just been in his grasp. Then, he slowly rose from where he was sitting – and the change in height was substantial as he now towered above her. She probably should have been afraid, especially as she took in the dangerous spark in his dark eyes. But she didn't care – she was blinded by pure loathing in that moment, and she wasn't even fazed by the deathly cold look on his entire face.

He still didn't say a word, and she felt the sudden urge to hit him. She hated him. He was a lying, scheming, manipulative bastard, and she wasn't going to be controlled by him – not anymore.

She raised her wand towards him, but as though he had been expecting it, he immediately gripped her arm so tightly she could feel his fingers digging into her skin. She couldn't even move to escape his firm grasp, so she was forced to struggle unsuccessfully.

He pulled her close and she continued to struggle. "Yes, I cursed you," he hissed through clenched teeth, his eyes piercing into hers. "I cursed you to save your goddamn life for what must be the hundredth time!"

"Liar!" she spat at him, still attempting to twist herself free but he was oddly strong.

His grip tightened even further. "No, you see you snuck out to obtain the diadem without telling me you knew where it was - naïve enough to think I hadn't heard you - and were too absorbed in your precious heirloom to notice the people who followed you!"

"You're lying. Just like you always do," she snarled.

Anger flashed across his face as his hands clasped her arms more aggressively, making her groan with pain. Tom growled and drew Estela towards him harshly as he dragged her by her arms, leading her behind the tent as she thrashed frantically.

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