Chapter 37: Triumph

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Chapter 37: Triumph

Estela plunged into the over-arching dome of leaves and limbs. She was in awe of the size and splendour of the trees, their knotted arms rising up endlessly as far as her head would tilt. Despite the brightness of the sky above, the light didn't manage to break through the thick green ceiling that encompassed her. Due to this, hoods of black shadow draped the groves, and the darkness was stronger the deeper she went. She shivered as mysterious rustling sounds could be heard coming from different directions, the source of the noises hidden behind tangles of shrubbery.

She could see Tom up ahead, striding along purposefully which made it difficult for her to catch up, his dark clothing making him blend almost perfectly with his surroundings. Moving her legs as quickly as she could, she managed to reach him.

"Any particular direction we're headed?" she asked, evidently out of breath after rushing to reach him.

"Forwards," he said simply, his face dead set on the course in which he was heading.

"Right," she said slowly, lacing her brows together as they continued onwards, and she just had to trust that Riddle knew where he was going.

After what seemed like hours of trekking through the everlasting woodland that had grown even darker as the day went on, Estela noticed a light up ahead that gave her a feeling of butterflies in her stomach. She eagerly continued on towards the glimmer of hope in the forest that was slowly consuming her.

They arrived at a wide clearing where the trees fell away in a circular glade, revealing the blood red sky above as the sun set around them, casting a crimson sheen over the leaves. The sounds of songbirds could be heard from the canopies that surrounded them, creating a haunting symphony of song echoing between the branches.

Estela was exhausted. Her face was hot and her legs were aching after walking all day. "You know," she panted, "this isn't how I planned on spending my summer." She said as she wiped her brow.

"Shh-" Tom hushed seriously. She ignored him.

"I haven't done any background reading for school yet, and we're going in to our seventh year-"

"Estela shut up-" Tom hissed having stopped dead in his tracks.

"I mean, that's N.E.W.T level, and-"

Tom abruptly grabbed Estela from behind, his hand pressed tightly across her mouth to silence her. She struggled in his grip and was about to bat him away before he whispered in her ear.

"Shut up, Estela, something's moving." He said darkly.

She noticed that the orchestra of birdsong they previously heard had stopped, and was replaced with an outcry of squawking screams as a bouquet of birds shot up out of the trees, high-pitched shrieks resounding around them as they flew away swiftly.

A sombre silence surrounded Tom and Estela. Nothing stirred, nothing shone, nothing sang. Tom's hand was still covering her mouth as they looked around nervously, trying their best to peer through the dark brambles and branches with squinted eyes, when they failed to realise that it was the skies they should have been watching.

A sound boomed through the air around them, creating such force that the tops of the trees quivered not too far away from them. Estela felt her heart drop to her stomach as the thundering sound rapidly grew closer.

The noise resounded from above once more, but much closer this time, and Estela almost lost the ability to stand as she saw the source of the blast. Tom's hand became limp as he dropped it from her mouth and released her from his grip at the sight.

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