Chapter 43: A Deceitful Discovery

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Chapter 43: A Deceitful Discovery

Estela continued to stare down at the black box that had fallen from underneath her pillow. The haunting opals of the toxic looking necklace were shining compellingly, calling her forwards as she held it in her palms.

She stared at it, unblinking, unable to look away as her mind continued to feel as though it was dragging her down to the depths of the ground and beyond. Her head became mistier and fuzzier the more she focused on it, as though the strange necklace had a mind of its own.

Whispers crowded her mind, echoing all around as she closed her eyes tight. She couldn't quite make out what they were saying - they sounded distant but close at the same time - but she recognised the voice:

Low and haunting like the lilting waves of an ocean. Enough to send a chill down her spine.

The box snapped loudly as she shut it tight, having to conjure up every ounce of resistance within her to not continue staring at the bewitching jewels.

She sighed a long breath of relief as the whispers died out slowly and her mind gradually became clearer as she threw the box across the room, where it landed with a thud.

Her eyes looked around wildly as though she was expecting to see someone standing behind her, just waiting to jump out at her, but nobody appeared.

She noticed her hands were shaking as she nervously fumbled with her sleeves, and had no idea what to do. Her mind was flashing warning signs like there was no tomorrow. She knew what it was. She knew what he had done. And the more she dwelled on that notion - that sickening, painful, realisation - the angrier she became.

Tom always warned her about betrayal. Always cautioned her of the things he'd do if she ever went against him. And yet, despite all the warnings he had given her, it was good enough for him to betray Estela if he wanted to. He had gone against all she had been teaching him: that there was more to life than power and darkness; that death wasn't something to fear, and he had completely shattered her. Shattered her right down to the deepest parts of her soul at the mere thought of what he'd done.

She didn't want to admit it. She longed to find an alternative solution. But she knew there wasn't one. She knew her worst thoughts were true.

He'd made a Horcrux.

Her hands stopped trembling as a dangerous flame gradually burned inside her, growing larger and larger the more her mind raced. Her fists clenched as she paced up and down the empty Dormitory. Thinking. Discerning. Trying to find any other solution - any other explanation as to what the necklace was. She tried desperately to convince herself that he hadn't done this to her - that he hadn't torn his soul apart. After everything he'd told her, she wished he hadn't. After all the positives he'd been showing, she craved the hope that he wouldn't throw it all away. But she was forced to face the fact that he had.

She flopped down onto one of the four-posters, draped in navy and silver, the hangings swaying gently and she had to take a moment to breathe. All she wanted to do right now was to walk right up to Tom and hit him squarely wherever it would hurt most. She couldn't believe he'd do this to her. He'd shown her so much hope, and he'd just taken it all away.

Her anger turned to confusion after another moment's thought. He hadn't mentioned it to her at all. He hadn't spoken a single word about any necklace or Horcrux, and she was sure that was something he'd want to brag about. It was, after all, one of his biggest goals. She furrowed her brow as she failed to understand why he hadn't given her the slightest hint that he'd taken the first step towards something nobody else in history had dared to do.

She was sure he would be far too proud of his achievement not to tell her, or at least give her a tiny clue as to what he'd done. And then there was the fact that he'd given this Horcrux to her.

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