Chapter 24: Honestly Lying

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Chapter 24: Honestly Lying

Estela spent her free lessons in the library, searching the restricted section for books that may tell her more about Salazar Slytherin. She had been experiencing some strange sensations since returning back to Hogwarts. Strange tingling feelings whenever she saw the Slytherin logo on the robes of passing students, or when she heard someone speak the name. Last week she had experienced a vivid image of some sort, just for a brief moment, but she couldn't remember it very clearly. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she knew there was something. Something that was calling to her in some strange way.

January was drawing to an end and Estela was reading a curious little book that didn't have a title, or perhaps it had just worn off. It was definitely a very old volume, and the binding was extremely fragile.

When she opened the dusty book she saw it was written in fancy handwriting, and on the first page there was nothing but the name G. Bainard. She searhed the book for a date of some sort, and in the very back of the old book she came across the date 'November 1012'. Estela could not believe how old the book was. It dated from the time when the Hogwarts founders had lived. The time of her ancestors.

Her heat skipped excitedly as she opened the book and eagerly flipped through the first few pages. As she read, she realised it was a sort of diary written by a man who called himself G. Bainard's who seemed to be documenting his time at Hogwarts.

It was absolutely fascinating. This was the life of a student who attended Hogwarts during its founding years. As she read onwards, drinking up the words on each page like they were a matter of life or death, she learnt that G. Baindard was a Slytherin. Her eyes widened a bit as the author began documenting his lessons, and she was pleasantly surprised to read about lessons that were taught by Salazar Slytherin himself.

From the text, she could sense that G. Bainard seemed close with Salazar. She wouldn't be surprised if they were close friends, in fact. Bainard wrote about his experience of dining With Salazar in the privacy of his personal chambers once, and it seemed as though they knew each other very well. A particular passage caught Estela's eye:

"Salazar; such an interesting fellow. He telleth tales of such adventure and excit'ment that I cannot believe that he is alive to recite them. He teased me with some secret plans he is working on, only subtly, of course, but secret nonetheless. He hath a purpose which cannot beest revealed, and he allowed me to visit the hidden room whither he keepeth incredible artefacts from his travels. Such interesting items, of which I'm sure their value cannot even be comprehended."

A hidden room where he keeps valuable artefacts? Estela felt a surge of exhilaration rush through her body as she continued reading eagerly, but she stopped when she read the name 'Helena'. She thought it was too coincidental, but the date matched, and it was possible that G. Bainard was referring to Helena Ravenclaw, Hogwarts' very own Grey Lady, and perhaps Helena knew who he was.

Estela immediately set off for Ravenclaw Tower, which was where Helena could usually be found. Outside the entrance to the Common Room, she was pleased to see the ghost floating serenely as she gazed out of a window.

"Good afternoon, Estela," she said distantly, continuing to gaze out of the window.

"Helena, I wanted to ask you... Do you know anything about G. Bainard?" Estela showed her the book.

Silence fell between them, and Estela couldn't help but notice how tense Helena had suddenly become.

"Where did you get that?" she asked faintly, not taking her hazy eyes off of the book.

"It was in the Restricted Section of the library. I take it you recognise it? You're mentioned in it, you know," said Estela, trying to capture her attention, and Helena's large eyes shot up as she slowly took the book out of her hand. Helena opened it and read it silently, her dead eyes scanning the words intently.

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