Chapter 7: The Dress

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Chapter 7: The Dress

When Estela awoke the next morning, she was still shaken by the nightmare that haunted her thoughts for most of the night. She willed her mind to forget that horrible snake-like face, but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't get it out of her mind.

She walked over to the window and sat on the window sill, observing the sight before her. The sky was painted cerise and the sun was just peeking out behind the mountains.

Her mind managed to stray away from the nightmare as she thought of the upcoming Halloween Ball. Something within her flickered in excitement as she remembered she was going dress shopping with Cayra. Then, just as quickly as it came, the excitement vanished. Nobody had signed her permission slip for Hogsmeade.

She didn't bother sending the slip home to her adoptive parents, Grace and William, to sign because she didn't ever usually attend the Hogsmeade trips, because she usually didn't have anyone to go with.

Disheartened, she went down to the Common Room and realised her appetite had gone. The October morning was cold around her, so she made her way over to the blazing fire and let its flames warm her skin. She sighed and gazed up to see the portrait of Rowena Ravenclaw looking down at her as usual. The woman in the portrait was sternly beautiful, her expression austere yet calming.

The sound of shuffling feet made her turn, and she saw Anthony hobble down the stairs from the boy's dormitory. He looked half-asleep as he rubbed his eyes and yawned widely. Estela laughed quietly to herself when she noticed his hair; one part of it was sticking up wildly, making him resemble a unicorn. Their eyes met and Anthony didn't hesitate to give her a warm grin.

"Morning," he chimed.

"Good morning. I'm liking the new look. The hairstyle really brings out your eyes."

He looked puzzled for a moment before he realised and flattened his hair, flashing Estela an amused smile as he made his way over to her.

More students began flooding into the Common Room, and most of them headed straight for the Great Hall. Amongst these was Cayra, who spotted Estela and Anthony and sat down in besides them.

"Morning! I had a dream about the Halloween Ball last night," she said whimsically. "And if it's anything like it was in my head, it's going to be amazing."

"I can't go," Estela said.

"What? Why not?" Cayra asked immediately.

"I don't have a permission slip to go to Hogsmeade to get a dress," Cayra frowned and eyed Anthony.

"We'll ask Flitwick to sign it for you - I'm sure he'd let you. After all, you're one of his favourite students."

Estela shook her head. "It's against the rules. He wouldn't allow it."

"I'm sure we'll work something out," said Anthony. "Come on, let's go and get breakfast. I'm starving."

"Ugh yes, I'm so hungry I could eat a hippogriff!" Cayra said as she got up eagerly.

"I'm not hungry, you two go," Estela said.

Anthony and Cayra glanced at each other before Cayra placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't stress about the ball, Estela. We'll work something out. See you later!"

The room fell silent once they left, and the tower seemed to be empty. Estela had been looking forward to the Ball - perhaps the one social event that could have turned out well for her - and she couldn't go. She leaned backwards in the armchair and stared up at Rowena's portrait when she noticed the painting was pointing at something. Estela blinked before she reacted, utterly bewildered at the strange sight, before she looked behind her to see where she was pointing.

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