Chapter 17: The Start of Something Spectacular

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Chapter 17: The Start of Something Spectacular

The cold November air was crisp as Estela walked across the grounds, the sharp wind blowing through the trees chilling against her skin. She pulled her cloak around her more tightly and rubbed her hands together, making her way across the courtyard and into the castle. The castle was fairly empty, with only a few students here and there heading towards the Great Hall for breakfast.

Estela wasn't at all hungry this morning. Her appetite seemed to have disappeared after what happened last night, and she couldn't bear the thought of facing Anthony and Cayra. She hadn't slept much last night. She lay awake thinking what on earth she could have done to make them act that way. All she could think of was rejecting Anthony a few weeks back, but surely that wasn't a big enough motive for him to cast the cruciatus curse on her. She shuddered slightly as she remembered how it felt when the pain hit her body. That was a feeling she would never forget.

Estela made her way to the trophy room. Professor Flitwick had asked her to make a note of all the awards won by Ravenclaws in the past year. He said it was for a bet with the other teachers, and so Estela agreed. She made her way up to the third floor, taking her time as she climbed the staircases.

She pushed the heavy door open, its creaks echoing down the empty hall. The room was dimly lit, but the morning sun shone through windows high up on the walls, causing the many awards, trophies, cups, plates, shields, statues, and medals to shine back at her.

She made her way around the room slowly, admiring the trophies as she went along. She spotted three small ones with her own name upon them that she received in her first, second and third year for excellent academic achievement, and two medium sized ones for her success in her fourth and fifth-year exams.

Her gaze then landed upon three small identical trophies for academic excellence with the name Tom Riddle upon them, and two identical medium sized ones with his name on too. She turned and saw a large gold shield engraved with the name Tom Riddle upon it, with the title, 'Special Award for Services to the School' shining in the sunlight. She clenched her jaw, knowing all too well that he didn't deserve it, and as she reached out to examine the plaque, she saw a pearly white figure out of the corner of her eye.

"Helena," she said as she watched the ghost float towards her, a look of restraint upon her tragically beautiful face.

"What nonsense has Dumbledore put you up to this time?" asked Helena.

"Nothing. I'm doing Professor Flitwick a favour, actually."

Helena frowned. "Have you taken my advice yet?"

Estela turned her back on the ghost, shaking her head as she made her way for the door. Helena didn't understand her task. She didn't know the entire future of the Wizarding World was in peril. Who knows what would happen if she gave up on her task.

"I think he wants something," she heard Helena's voice snap desperately behind her. "Something of mine."

Estela slowly turned back to face the ghost. "Why would he want something of yours?"

She avoided the question. "What Riddle said was true, you know. You are a descendant of the Ravenclaw family. The blood of my mother runs through your veins."

Estela ran a finger over the engraving of Tom's name on the large plaque. "And Slytherin?" she asked slowly. "Does his blood also flow through my veins?"

"It does," she said softly, almost sadly. "But it is clear to me that his side has not influenced you. You are a true Ravenclaw."

Estela sighed, nodding to herself. "What more can you tell me about Riddle and this item that he wants?" She asked, staring at his name on the plaque.

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