0, The Solar Array!

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AT A TIME IN the world where things are feeling less and less certain, there was one thing you could always count on...the Heroics. Our planets team of superheroes. And our heroes... never failed.

"Sorry I'm late." Tech-No apologised as he flew all the way up to Miracle Guy. "I had to put the ISR synthetic aperture together."

"Let's just hope that it's more than just a downed satellite so the whole team can spring into action." Miracle Guy said.

Tech-No sighed. "Let's not." He used a puff of his inhaler, before pointing at Miracle Guy. "Be careful with that thing."

"When am I not careful?" Miracle Guy inquired, before flying up and into space with his arms spread out in front of him.

Tech-No watched him with an amused expression. "All the time."

"Hey, Tech-No!" Miracle Guy called down to Earth as he looked around slightly before he stared at the solar array that was blown to bits.

"What's up?" Tech-No said.

He touched the solar array. "The Solar Array, it's blown to bits." He then began flying higher very slightly as he continued to look around.

"Seriously?" Tech-No inquired.

Miracle Guy stopped flying higher and stared ahead. "There's something coming, a spaceship of some kind." He noticed. "It just blasted some kind of energy ray at me. Do these clowns not know who I am?"

"I don't mean to be a judge, but do you have any idea of how long this is gonna take?" Tech-No questioned Miracle Guy. "I'm running on fumes."

Miracle Guy pulled out his selfie stick. "Just a quick selfie for my socials while I stop this thing—,"

Something flew passed him as he flexed his muscles for his selfie. He lowered the selfie stick, and looked around him. "Wait a minute. there's not one ship... there's a whole armada out there."

"Funny, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you actually sound a little worried." Tech-No commented, as his jet-pack began to beep.

"Miracle Guy?" He called. There was a big boom and he flew down a bit, before his earpiece beeped. "H-Base! Come in, this is Tech-No! Miracle Guy's been hit!"

"Hit with what?" H-Base questioned as Tech-No flew up to grab Miracle Guy. Tech-No grunted as Miracle Guy's body landed in his arms.

"He's barely conscious!" Tech-No exclaimed to his earpiece.

"Miracle Guy is barely conscious?" H-Base repeated.

"Have a catcher ready!" Tech-No told H-Base as his fumes went out, and he began falling backwards. "I'm out!"

This was the day our heroes fell. All of them. but from that... others would rise.

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