1, The New Girl!

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HOLLY GROANED AND TURNED off her alarm. She didn't even know why she had an alarm set as Honey (her mom) always came in five minutes after the alarm goes off to make sure she's up and ready. She laid on her stomach at the end of her bed, when she fell asleep on her back and at the other end of the bed. She sure did move a lot when she slept. "Wake up, sleepyhead!" Honey exclaimed, waltzing in and opening her curtains for the sun to shine in. Holly hissed and covered her eyes.

"Why would you do that?" Holly questioned, squinting as she tried to get rid of the colours dancing in her vision. "You know I'm allergic to daylight early in the morning."

"You are not allergic to day—!"

"I could be!" Holly cut Honey off, getting up and sliding her feet into her Winnie the Pooh slippers. "You never take me to check it out."

"Trust me, Holls." Honey spoke, shaking her head at her daughter. "I'd know if you were allergic to daylight early in the morning, you're my daughter."

Holly blinked. "Then why do I act like that, hmm?" She interrogated, raising her eyebrows to try and look intimidating. She looked like she was trying to wink but failing.

"Because you are always in the dark. You always refuse to have lights on." Honey stated, walking towards her bedroom door and turning to leave. Before she could walk downstairs (Holly's bedroom was the closest to the stairs), she turned around again. "And hurry up. It's Monday."

Holly's eyes widened. "No!" She exclaimed, dragging out the 'o'. From down the hall, she heard her step-brother laugh, and she rolled her eyes.

· • ────。・*.゚☆゚.*・。──── • ·

USING HER POWERS, HOLLY made a packet of sour patch kids from the snack area float her way. She was starving as she took a while to get ready (she went back to sleep for half an hour, but Honey didn't need to know that) which meant that she didn't have breakfast. She opened the packet and took one out and began to eat it. Immediately, she pulled a face at the sourness. A Capella snickered at her.

"You are so weird." Wild Card commented as he walked passed them. He was joking and Holly knew that, still, she stuck her foot out and tripped him up. When he looked at her, she turned to A Capella and acted innocent. "Told you. So weird."

"Thank you." Holly smiled sarcastically. "So—?"

"Shh." Noodles hissed, cutting Holly off. She gave him an annoyed look. "Ms. Granada's coming!"

Everyone's eyes widened and they all moved to their assigned seats. Holly stayed where she was, and Noodles came and sat next to her and they turned and began doing a bit of work just in time for the door to open.

"Everyone..." Ms. Granada trailed off as she entered the room. Everyone looked up at her and Holly leaned back in her seat as she sent the new girl a soft, kind smile. The new girl didn't return it.

"This is Missy. She will be joining you today. Missy, I'd appreciate it if you would take a seat right there," said Ms. Granada as she pointed next to Fast Forward. Missy walked and sat where she was told to. "And quietly continue your studies along with the other children."

Holly faced her iPad where she was doing some work, only to look back at Ms. Granada again. "Children... thank you all for respecting my rules. Your parents will be very proud when I tell them of your exceptional behaviour. Well done." Ms. Granada turned and left, followed by the guard that was with her. The door closed as Holly used her powers because for some weird reason, the guard accidently left the door open.

Noodles glanced around, before stretching his neck and pressing his ear against the door. "Wow, Elasti-Girl would be impressed." Holly commented, and Noodles rolled his eyes at her.

"She's gone." Noodles informed in a whisper as he turned and looked back at everyone. Everyone yelled, and got out of their seats.

"Okay, but is it just me that feels like Ms. Granada knows we don't follow the rules?" Holly wondered, taking a seat next to Facemaker. Facemaker looked at her and shrugged. Noodles joined them, and sat the other side of Holly.

Missy jumped back as Wheels appeared from the side of her. "Hey, I'm Wheels. Yes, they call me that on account of the wheelchair. It's a little on the nose, but I like it because it's cool."

Missy smiled and shrugged. "Okay." She said, not wanting to be rude. The girl turned and continued with her work.

Wheels eyed her. "You probably think I'm in the chair 'cause my legs are weak, but it's the opposite. My muscles are so strong that my bones can't support 'em. But lucky for me, my brain's the same way. It's supercharged, so I'm good."

Noodles stretched his neck, and Holly rose her eyebrows as his head was in between Wheels and Missy. "So, Wheels, who's your new friend?"

"Missy, this is Noodles." Wheels introduced as Noodles' body went to his head. Holly shared a look with Facemaker. "We call him that because, well..."

"He stretches and twists around like a noodle?" Missy guessed as Holly got up and began walking towards them.

"At first, I thought it was because of his hair." Holly commented, looking at Missy softly before she turned and narrowed her eyes at Noodles and Wheels. "Stop harassing Missy! She's new and we don't want to scare her off."

"This is Holly, her mom's Honey." Wheels smiled. "She's Noodles' step-sister."

"What powers do you have?" Missy inquired in curiosity. Her eyes were filled with wonder.

Holly smiled brightly. She loved using her powers. Except for her telekinesis, it always made her tired. "I can move things with my mind, so, uhm, telekinesis, and I can also do anything with water so water manipulation. It's kind of sad because I need to be hydrated for my water powers, and I get super tired if I do something really big with my telekinesis. It's almost—."

"Why don't you just show her your powers?"

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