6, Far From Okay!

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"WHY DON'T YOU GET back in line?" Grouchy held a hand out, trying to move Guppy back

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"WHY DON'T YOU GET back in line?" Grouchy held a hand out, trying to move Guppy back. Guppy grunted as she grabbed his hand and threw him over her shoulder. "Oh, no!" Grouchy said. "She's got shark strength!"

From behind her, Dopey approached her. But she was quicker and she turned and flipped him over her shoulder. Guppy got up, and kicked Dopey into a hammock. "Have a nice nap." Guppy smiled sweetly.

Everyone stared at the guards, but Ojo was the only one who had a look of concern written all over her face. As they stared at Dopey, Holly was the only one to notice Margaret Gesner creeping up behind the six year old. Holly glared at him, lifted her hand, and threw him against a wall. At the sound of his back smacking against the hard wall, and then onto the floor as Holly brought her hand down quickly and harshly, everyone turned to face it. Noodles' stretched his hand and took the access card from Margaret Gesner, before he took them from Grouchy and Dopey.

"Aliens really are about to attack, so we'll have to leave your expert care until you and Ms. Granada know what we know." Missy stated as she stepped forward, pushing Holly back.

As if by some miracle, Margaret Gesner's back wasn't broken and he reached up and pressed the red button. An alarm blared, locking the guards and the kids in the classroom. Grouchy chuckled. "This was a bad idea." Fast Forward said to Holly.

Missy turned to Wheels, her hard eyes softening. "Wheels, next time this happens, don't let the guard reach the alarm." Wheels nodded. "Noodles, you'll take his jacket and cuff them."

"What next time?" Grouchy asked. "You kids aren't—!"

The sound of the vent turning cut Grouchy off and everyone turned to face the vent. Tentacles bursted through the vent, and Grouchy screamed. Wild Card turned and faced Holly. "I told you your plan wouldn't work." He said softly, crossing his arms. Holly's eyes widened as the tentacles wrapped around Wild Card.

"No!" Missy exclaimed.

Holly rolled her eyes. "Don't act like you care." She snapped in annoyance, before she looked at Rewind. "Rewind time, dude."

Rewind nodded, and rewinded time. "So we'll have to leave your expert care until you and Ms. Granada know what we know." Missy stated as she stepped forward, pushing Holly back. Just as Margaret Gesner went to push the button, Wheels wheeled to him and wheeled on his leg. Holly winced, thinking of the pain he must be feeling. Noodles stretched his arms and cuffed Margaret Gesner's hands behind his back. Then, he took Grouchy's jacket, and cuffed his hands. "Come on, let's go!" Missy yelled.

"Single file line!" Wheels instructed. "Like a fire drill. We'll be questioned less that way."

"Let's go." Missy kept repeating, ushering everyone out. Holly stayed back, took a sip of her drink, spat it out and made it go in each guards' shoe. She smirked, turned and walked out. Missy's hand came in contact with her shoulder.

"Get your hand off my body." Holly hissed, and Missy immediately yanked her hand back. She made her way to the front and next to Noodles.

"Noodles, stretch and make yourself tall!" Missy yelled from the back of the line by Wild Card. At the thought of those two standing together, Holly grimaced in disgust. At first, Holly felt like Missy wasn't a bad person. She supposed she did start being mean to Missy first, which made the Moreno be mean back, but Holly hated when people forgot about her, or forgot things about her. And when Missy forgot about Holly's powers, it just upset her. And then there's the way she first looked at Wild Card, and that annoyed her. She hated what she was feeling, after all he was her best friend, nothing more, nothing less. She didn't want to ruin her friendship with him when she tells him she likes him and he doesn't return the feelings.

Feeling sad again, Holly frowned. A Capella, seeing the sadness in her eyes, grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. "Greetings, fellow frown-ups." Noodles said, his voice low as he made himself like a man.

"Hey." A woman who Holly decided to name Edna 'E' Mode said. She eyed the children. "Hold on one second. Hey!"

At the sound of an alarm, A Capella dropped Holly's hand and Noodles made himself go back to normal size and they all began running. They turned the corner, and Noodle threw the jacket down on the floor. Just before they could leave, a gate came up; stopping them from leaving. "We're in trouble." Guppy said.

They turned and began running the other way. As they panicked, everyone forgot Holly could open the gates if she wanted. Missy looked around in alarm. "That was our only exit!"

Wild Card looked around, before looking up. "Not our only one!" He yelled, and Holly followed where his hand was pointing.

"Are you insane?" Fast Forward said, and Holly grinned about to say yeah but Fast Forward continued. "How are we supposed to get up there?"

"A Capella?" Missy called. "You made furniture float. Can you do the same with people?"

I know someone who can, Holly thought to herself. "To go up high, I have to sing very... low." The guards began floating into the position of stairs.

"Climb as fast as you can!" Wild Card instructed, before everyone began climbing the people. Holly, however, stayed where she was. She had completely zoned out and she was terrified of heights. "Noodles, open up the hatch!"

"Don't let them follow us!" Missy exclaimed to A Capella. A Capella looked at Missy with wide eyes, before she gestured down to Holly who had no idea they all left her. "Holly! Get up here!" Missy yelled. Holly jumped, her eyes widening once she realised she was alone. "And quickly, A Capella's running out of breath!"

"I have to climb the people?" Holly questioned, eyes wide. "I'll break them."

"No, you won't." Fast Forward rolled her eyes, appearing at the side of Missy and A Capella. "If you don't hurry, we will have to get Noodles to get you."

Holly looked up at the top person. "But it's really high." She shook her head. Fast Forward's eyes widened, she forgot Holly was terrified of heights. As she panicked, she didn't notice Missy climb back down to help her, and if she wasn't panicking she would've probably pushed the Moreno away from her. Instead, she let her help her up the people. "Just don't look down."

Noodles waited for everyone else to get in, before he realised that four girls were missing. "Hey, where's Holly?" He asked, his eyes wide as he looked back. "She's not with them... neither is Missy."

A few seconds later, Missy climbed out and Noodles' eyes widened. "Don't look down!" He heard Fast Forward yell as she and Missy reached out to pull Holly up.

"Too late!" Holly yelled in complete panic. "Why am I so high?" A Capella pointed to her throat, and Missy and Fast Forward shared a look. They weren't strong enough to pull her out on their own, so they grabbed a hand each and pulled Holly through.

Finally, A Capella stopped singing. "Adios." And all the guards dropped to the floor and landed on cushions before A Capella grabbed Holly's hand and they ran to catch up with the others. They got into the tram just in time for the door to close.

"Are you okay?" Noodles asked Holly. Holly only hummed in response. But she wasn't okay, she was far from okay.

𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 ☼ Wild CardWhere stories live. Discover now