Dreams & Limbo

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A bloody, scarred, young man walked through darkness, one step after another in the all consuming black.

In the void, no sound was heard, not even the breath or footsteps of the traveling teen as he trekked forwards seemingly in a trance.

Blank coal eyes stared straight ahead and his badly beaten face was blank, he did not falter in his path even as blood still flowed from his wounds.

He walked and walked, never once slowing or stopping, minutes, days, weeks, years, all of time meant nothing in this place.

Flashes appeared every now an again. Flashes of people, places, emotions and memories long forgotten. Some lost, some even taken, they all played out in the darkness, but still the teen did not falter, nor take his eyes off the space in front of him.

Slowly the flashes stopped until only a single bright light could be seen in the distance. It came closer as the young man trudged on, the only indication he was even truly moving.

The light neared and became clearer with each step, slowly showing itself as a portal like gilded archway, with a veil slowly waving as it hung in the arch.

The young man headed straight for the arch, no hesitation in his step, even as he heard the whispers filling his ears, promising peaceful death and reunion with the one he had loved and lost.

He was just feet from the veil when he suddenly stopped, freezing in place as another voice joined the one of the veil.

This voice was different, it sung to him, pulled him, compelled him to fallow it away from the whispers of death and joyous reunion.

The youth's glazed black eyes stirred and he took a step back from the veil, as he did the whispers grew louder more tempting, but were soon drowned out by the singing.

The song had no words, but seemed to touch the young man, trapping him in it's beautiful sound, grab him with it's every note until he could no longer ignore it.

The boy turned from the veil, trying to find the voice that was calling him and started walking in it's direction, heading back into the inkiness of the void.

As the voice grew closer the youth's steps grew faster until he was running, trying to catch up to the being calling him, tempting him.

He ran until he saw a glowing silvery mist, almost like a fog, appear and this time he didn't hesitate to run into it.

The boy raced through the glowing silver cloud, following the voice as it was so loud now that it filled his very being, tugging and beckoning like a siren's song.

Just as the singing reached a crescendo he broke through the mist and into a moonlit clearing, but instead of the moon shining from above it was emanating from a being standing at the center of the clearing.

The being was completely silver and looked neither male nor female, their beauty androgynous and awe inspiring.

The young man slowed to a stop a ways away from the being as it turned to him, a kind smile on their lips as the last note faded into the black.

Bright, pale eyes observed him with compassion and a hint of sadness.

By this time the young man had regained his senses and looked at the being wearily, but couldn't bring himself to fully be on guard.

"Who are you?" He asks quietly.

The being smiled softly at him and clasped their hands in front of them.

"I go by many names, but my favorite are Yue and Manny. I am the moon spirit. You may call me what you wish." The now revealed moon spirit said gently.

The young man looked around in confusion.

"Where are we?" He whispered, earning another sad smile from the spirit.

"You are in my realm, the spirit realm. I pulled your soul here from the Inbetween." They said slowly, watching the boy as realisation dawned on his face.

"I am dead." He said hallowly, bowing his head.

Yue nodded.

"You were about to enter the veil when I pulled you here." They say.

The young man looked up, confusion once again marking his bloody features.

"Why did you stop me?" He asked, making Yue sigh.

"You were not supposed to die at this time, nor were you to die as you did. Fate has now lost their grip on you as happens after beings die, but death will not take a premature soul. To keep the peace I have offered to send you back, with my blessing, to finish out your life. Do you understand young one?" They asked after explaining.

The beaten young man teared up as he angrily looked away.

"So I will be sent back whether I want to live or not." He stated more then asked, his tone bitter.

Yue sighed and moved over to the youth, reaching out to caress his scarred cheek.

"Yes, but you will not be alone. I will be with you, although I can not interfere. My blessing will give you an inheritance, you will become one of my children. With this I hope you will be able to find your joy, but I can not say it will be easy. Fate does not like others messing up their plans and they might use others against you." They said and the boy's shoulders slumped.

"I really have no choice?" He asked faintly. Yue shook their head sadly.

"I'm sorry young one." They said.

The young man broke.

Heartbreaking cries falling from his split lips as tears poured down his bruised cheeks.

Sighing Yue pulls the youth into their chest, swaying and running their hand through his filthy hair, humming lightly to sooth him.

When the youths sobs finally quieted Yue spoke again.

"It is nearly time to go young one." They said gently, watching the boy stiffen with grim eyes.

"You will wake up the dawn after your death. Your body will be healed and forever changed." Yue said.

Lifting the young mans face, the spirit placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, leaving a glowing full moon in its place.

"Use my blessing young one. Make your own fate and find your joy." They whispered as the beaten body of the boy faded into silver mist before vanishing.

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