Bonus Chapter: Failed

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A/N: Sorry for taking so long! I was working on multiple books, but now I just have to edit everything! So don't be surprised about the content I'll unload over the next week!

Landing on his cabins front porch, Severus shifted into his Fae form with a throaty groan. His human form wasn't uncomfortable, but it seemed to feel restrictive after awhile.

It had been weeks since the ravenett was last at his cabin and he regretted waiting so long, but between his studies, friends, and Cameron he hadn't had the chance to escape.

But finally, finally, he had enough time for the next ritual.

Giddiness bubbled in his abdomen as Severus settled into his Fae form, eager to start preparations and begin.

Stepping off the porch, the Fae hummed in contentment, as he felt the magic of his circle brush against him like a gentle breeze.

With the circle being complete, it's magic was slowly saturating the area around it, setting up a sort of territorial marker to warn off other Fae, sprites, and magical creatures prone to thievery.

It was not unlike an animal scent marker, but the magic of the circle had the extra feature of leaving a sort of tracer on trespassers and allow the Fae it was connected too to track those individuals when needed.

A smile broke over Severus' face as he reached the tree line of the clearing and with a slight inhale of anticipation, the ravenett broke into a run.

A trill of bell like laughter echoed within the forest, the young Fae in its midst danced through its trees on light feet, weaving gracefully over it's roots, and gliding beneath it's reaching branches.

Severus reveled in the pure magic that filled the wood, exhilarated in lack of smog that had filled his lungs and clogged his nose, and bathed in the natural sound of wild life as it cleansed his ears of the ever constant hum of muggle artifice.

Still chuckling, the Fae arrived at his circle, grinning as it lit up and seemed to croon in his ear as if in greeting.

After checking to make sure all was well and nothing had been tampered with, Severus walked around its perimeter to the Western point and knelt down.

Carefully, the Fae excavated the ground six inches from the moss covered stones of the circle and with even more care extracted a small seed from his pocket.

The ritual he was about to preform was one that would give him knowledge.

What few knew, was that the moons light held millions of years of memory and what Severus was attempting was to create a Memory Catcher.

The Memory Catcher was a tree, a tree that could be grown from any seed.

Its purpose, to catch and collect moonlight, thus 'Memory Catcher'.

The original name of these trees were lost to time and secrecy, but what was known was in the tomb found in the Lunar vault.

These trees always faced East towards the rising moon from the West side of the circle and absorbed, filtered, and stored the knowledge the circles owner willed it to.

It also could store the Fae's memories and once full grown, even tap into the memories of the those within its radius, whether they be from plant, animal, creature, magical, or muggle.

But the most basic function of this tree, the most important of its traits, was it was the only source within which to gather his predecessors' memories, experiences, and knowledge.

With that, Severus could finally begin to earn his wings.

Gently, the Fae placed the seed he held in the created hole and felt his throat constrict with emotion.

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