Party & Number

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A/N: Yes, another chapter! I told you I would stock up!

"Absolutely not." Severus said firmly, glaring at the woman in front of him.

Vanessa rolled her eyes at her reflection from where she stood doing her makeup in his dresser mirror.

"I told you he wouldn't wear it." She said flatly.

Paula, who was currently holding up the offending outfit, scowled at her, before returning her attention to Severus.

"Come on! You'll look so hot in this!" She begged.

The young Fae just crossed his arms and stubbornly turned his head away to avoid her puppy eyes.

Vanessa and Paula had been trying to drag him to parties ever since Severus had met them at The Brook after punching and scolding Asher.

They said he looked like he needed to loosen up a bit, but Severus had refused them every time.

Until today, that is.

The young Fae had been part of the study group for four months, nearly one and a half years if you counted the time in the classrooms and they had all become good friends.

Luke, who had been the one to invite Severus that day, was a gentle and humorous man despite his size and easily broke up any arguments that broke out between the group members.

Monty, the second man he met at The Brook, was a smart ass, but sharp and was known to have quite the temper if you pushed him to far.

Vanessa was their resident goth and resembled a dark sprite.

She had a dry and sarcastic sense of humor, but you could always count on her to be loyal and keep your secrets.

"Well, if you want my opinion.." Monty started, but Paula cut him off.

"We don't want your opinion, so shut up and go back to drinking your Hobo cocoa!" She snapped, glaring at the man, who in turn glared back at her over the rim of a mug that held said Hobo cocoa.

"I've explained this more then once! It is not Hobo cocoa! There is no difference between my cocoa and what you call 'normal' cocoa!" He snapped back.

This time it was Vanessa who scoffed as Paula was to busy forcing Severus to strip by threatening to dress him herself.

"Hot water and Hershey chocolate sauce is in no way real cocoa! It's an abomination that should have never been conceived! You have to be twisted in the head to have thought it was a good idea!" She said as she finished her makeup.

Severus scowled as he pulled on the unnecessarily tight outfit Paula had forced into his hands.

A/N: Outfit above!^

Monty glared, opening his mouth to retort, but Luke cut him off as he exited the bathroom, running a towel over his hair.

"Enough. If you two continue you're both going to be assigned as D.Ds tonight." He threatened as he threw the towel away.

Vanessa and Monty instantly shut their mouths, but Monty, being a petty bastard, started slurping his drink obnoxiously loud.

Severus rolled his eyes at their antics, frowning in impatience as Paula shoved him into a chair and began doing his hair and makeup.

Ignoring Monty, Luke started to do his own hair.

"We're leaving in twenty, so hurry up and finish getting ready. Severus and I are the D.Ds tonight, so if you want to head back find one of us." He reminded.

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