Love & Pain

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(A/N: kind of a big time skip here. Severus and his friends have just been going through college and our favorite Fae has just been dating. I promise, all these fillers will make sense later.)

Severus rolled his eyes as he, once again, felt a gaze watching his profile intently, rarely breaking its vigil to glance at the movie playing across the screen in front of them.

Cameron had seemed to pick up the habit of staring at him over a week ago, his piercing hazel eyes holding an intensity that the younger man often caught lurking behind his boyfriend's goofy behaviour.

The penetrating focus had once made Severus squirm, but now he had become desensitized to it.

"You are supposed to be watching the movie." Severus commented dryly as he threw a piece of popcorn in his mouth, not even bothering to look at his companion.

Usually, when he called his boyfriend out on his staring the older man would fire back some type of overly flowery compliment or a raunchy pick up line, but this time he was met with silence.

Frowning, Severus turned his head to look at Cameron.

The moment he met the older man's eyes he was caught.

Cameron's eyes trapped in a way they never had before, swallowing him into their earthy depths, like a forest engulfing a wayward traveler who had stepped off the path.

It was exhilarating, frightening, and freeing.

Severus' stomach gave a sharp twist, taking his breath as the usually guarded hazel pools swirled with pure emotion.

The young Fae couldn't understand all of the emotions he was seeing, but his heart began to race and his breathing shallowed as he seemed to feel them in his chest.

They squirmed in his chest and burned in his cheeks, effecting Severus in ways he had never experienced.

After what seemed like an eternity of wandering, Cameron finally brought him back to the path rather violently as he finally spoke up.

"I love you, you know?" The older man said, voice soft, but strong, certain.

Severus heart stopped at the words and he felt as if the earth beneath him had suddenly jerk and he smashed headlong into it.

To say Severus was shocked would be an understatement.

Logically, the young Fae knew he shouldn't have been surprised at Cameron's confession of love. At this point they had been dating for almost an entire year and if Cameron hadn't loved him he would have left already.

Severus didn't know how to respond.

He cared deeply for Cameron, but the young Fae had never experienced anything even close to romantic love, he couldn't tell if what he was feeling for the man was more then affection.

This sent a bolt of panic to his heart, causing it to revive from it's previous state of stillness and start jack hammering against his ribs.

Severus didn't want to hurt Cameron, but he couldn't return his words of love because he didn't know what he himself was feeling.

His mind was in chaos and his anxiety began to rise as he tried to think on his own feelings.

Suddenly, Cameron cupped Severus' face, moving so suddenly that the younger man flinched, but the older man just held him more firmly and forced him to meet his eyes once more.

Unlike the pools of rippling emotion that he had met just moments ago, the older man's eyes were now calm and soft, grounding, as he gazed into them.

"Shh. Shh baby, it's okay. It's okay." Cameron cooed softly, voice low and steady.

His actions settled Severus enough for him to attempt to compose himself once more.

After he had calmed down a bit, the young Fae felt embarrassment try to creep in, but the older man wasn't having it it seemed.

"Hey, NO." He said firmly, eyes narrowing as he looked at Severus.

"You do not need to be embarrassed. All of this is my fault for just springing this on you like that. If your not ready, then your not ready. It just means I have to try harder to make you feel you can. Okay?" Cameron asked, his eyes holding Severus' until the younger man gave a nod of understanding.

Nodding himself, the older man didn't say anything else and simply pulled Severus down with him on the couch, continuing to watching the movie.

Severus' mind was still racing, but lying on Cameron's chest he was able to ground himself enough not to panic again.

The young Fae tried to sort out his feelings as the movie went on and if Cameron knew he wasn't paying the film any attention he didn't let on, just gave him the silence he needed to think.

The older man's actions didn't help as the warm feeling Severus had been experiencing for months spread through his chest.

The feeling made his throat clogged and lungs feels tight, while the rest of his body twitched with a restlessness the young Fae had never experienced before.

Bitting his lip, the ravenett forcefully calmed himself before pushing those thoughts and feelings to the back of his mind until he was alone enough to think.

Once the movie finished, Severus left. Cameron let him go with a kiss, but didn't say those words again and the Fae was able to give the man a small smile in greatefulness.

On his walk back to his dorms, Severus frowned as he felt a sharp stab of pain in his lower abdomen.

The young man inhaled a sharp breath at the feeling, pausing a moment to steady himself and as quickly as the pain came it left.

Confused, Severus slowly resumed the journey back to his dorms.

He was just climbing the stairs leading to his floor when another pain pierced him, a little sharper then the last, making the ravenett have to stop and lower himself onto the steps.

Air hissed through Severus' clenched teeth as the pain spiked again before retreating.

Wary now, the young man wondered if he had caught another bug or had gotten food poisoning again.

Standing once more he made it back to his room before the next pain hit and rushed to the bathroom.

After a couple of hours of increasing pain, relief came in the middle of the night and Severus collapsed into bed, relieved that the pain had only been some constipation clearing out.


1068 words edited

1050 words unedited

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