Brewing & Materials

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Having a set plan in place Severus pulled himself from his thoughts and realised it was light outside.

He had read into the early morning and the young Fae made the decision to brew.

He could sell his potions throughout the summer, earning some more spending coin and not have to dip into his vault unnecessarily.

Eating an early breakfast, Severus was determined to finish brewing the potions before lunch, so he can take them to Diagon Ally and sell them.

It would give him the coin to get more ingredients and he could send his letter to Mr. Evens while he was shopping.

Severus opened all the windows in the cottage so the potions fumes were ventilated, as he had no way to cast the charms necessary for it.

Setting up his cauldron, the young Fae began preparing the ingredients he had bought the last time he was in the Ally.

Severus quickly made skin restorer,  hair softener,  body lotion, and bath oil. All his own formulas and better then the ones Lucius had guarded so closely while at Hogwarts.

He had created them as a present to his mother for Christmas, but...

Severus paused for a moment in his preparation, eyes glazed.

The teen forcibly tore himself from the memories trying to overwhelm him and refocused firmly on what he was doing.

He decided to make a case of each product and sell them at a beauty shop he had discovered in his wandering of the Ally.

{Beautiful Birds: Beauty & Bath}

Severus rolled his eyes and sneered in disgust as he remembered the extravagant and over the top shop, that charged high prices for mediocre formulas.

He wouldn't even have thought about it as an option, but he had seen many women and some men in that shop.

Beautiful Birds had a good reputation and many upperclass families new of them, though he thought the name should be changed as most of their clients were more like old bats then Beautiful Birds.

Severus finished brewing later then he wanted due to one of his stirring rods breaking and by the time he was done it was a little after lunch.

Making the decision to leave after he ate, Severus prepared himself a late lunch before grabbing his school bag.

Putting the potions inside the expanded interior, he threw on his cloak and made sure he had his coin pouch before deciding he was ready to go.

Severus had bought a reusable portkey usually sold to muggleborns who lived too far from London to get to the leaky cauldron easily.

It took them to a small cafe courtyard at the beginning of the ally and the young Fae had thought ahead and bought one when he realized he had a way to get to the cottage, but not Diagon Ally.

Severus walked to the fireplace, where he had placed the portkey on its mantle.

He froze when he caught sight of his reflection in the small mirror on his dresser, realising he was still in his Fae form.

Quickly concentrating, Severus shrunk slightly and returned to the form he had after waking up from dying.

Grabbing the small round pin from the mantle, Severus turned it and read the activation word that was engraved on the back.

"Di immortals." The young Fae held on tight as he felt the familiar hook before landing in Diagon Ally on light feet.

Wasting no more time, heading straight towards BBB&B, gracefully dodging through the crowd.

Entering the extravagant shop, Severus headed straight for the counter, ignoring the loud caws of caged exotic birds that were hung every five feet, not wishing to waste time.

It wasn't as hard to convince the shop owner to buy Severus' potions as he thought it would be, she had raved about his skin and hair non stop for about half an hour and him being the Slytherin he was he subtly implied it was from the potions he was selling.

When she asked the name off the his product line Severus had thought fast and called it Lunar Dance.

She bought it hook line and sinker and he walked out of the store forty five galleons wealthier and with a promise for more cases next month.

Walking down the street Severus paused near a small jewel shop, feeling a pull from inside.

Entering, the young Fae was surprised that instead of walking in to a space filled with glass cases and sparkling jewels he was instead surrounded by rocks.

Some rocks were as large as a crup while others as small as a pea, each had its own texture and color, but it was the ones in a large bowl in the far corner that caught his attention.

Walking over, Severus examined the the rocks in confusion.

All of his materials so far have been something he collected on his own, like the ritual demands, so why was he drawn to these rocks?

Another thing that confused him was why there were rocks and not jewels in this jewel store?

"Ah, a good eyes I see." A voice suddenly spoke up behind Severus.

The teen whipped around ready to draw his wand.

A women covered in some type of fine dust stood behind him with an impassive look on her face.

"Pardon?" Severus managed to say as he relaxed a bit, guessing correctly that the women was the owner.

The women nodded towards the rocks he had been eyeing.

"The jewels." Grunted, walking past him to pick one up, it's smooth black surface matte and fit well in the palm of her hand.

"Got them from a fella claiming they were from a pool in what used to be a moon temple." She said, before taking a hammer out of her apron and striking the stone, chipping off a piece and revealing a crystal that took the exact shade of his birthstone.

"Haven't been able to sell them though. People come in looking for diomands, emarold, and saffiars. No appreciation for jewels that don't don't price in the thousands." She said, shaking her head.

"I'll take them all." Severus said, his eyes still locked on the beautiful color of the jewel peeking through and basking in the rightness that owning them would cause.

They were perfect for his circle.

The women looked slightly surprised, but simply shrugged and handed Severus the bowl.

"Take I'm then. I ain't got no use for um." She said and before the young Fae could say anything she was already slamming the door to what mist of been the back room behind her.

Blinking in surprise Severus hugged the bowl to his chest tightly before carefully putting them in his bag.

As he does his hand brushes one of the stones.

His vision flashed, showing the face of Manny, looking at him with a soft smile and a secretive wink.

Severus couldn't help, but smile back and when his vision cleared he left the shop with it still on his lips.


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