Gathering & Nightmares

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Hearing knocking on the window Severus was pulled out of his planning and looked up to see an owl waiting for him and with a sigh got up to retrieve his mail.

After untying the missive from the bird's foot it took of not indicating that it didn't need a reply.

Seeing the Gringott seal on the letter Severus opened it to find that it was simply the paperwork regarding his new investments and placed them neatly away in his folder to add to his portfolio later, absently making a note to buy himself an owl so he could send missives without having to port key to Diagon Ally to send his letters.

Sitting back in the armchair Severus paused as he saw silver strands fall over his shoulder, reminding him that he was still in his Fae form after a moment of thought the young man decided not to change back into his human form as he felt more comfortable like this.

Reopening the ritual book Severus began to read it in earnest now that he found out about why his wings were missing and found more rituals he was interested in.

For example while the rituals that would give him his wings were like a chain others like one that would protect an area from wraithes was solitary and depending on how powerful and skilled you were could stretch for miles.

He also discover a section called mating rituals but firmly skipped over it as he was in denial, thank you very much!

Once finished with the book and marking some rituals he wanted to learn Severus decided that he should start gathering the materials he needed for the Fae circle ritual if he was going to have them ready in time as some of the materials needed to be prepared in a special way for it to work properly.

Getting up, Severus grabbed his list and for the first time left his cottage.

Stepping out onto the lush moss that surrounded his home, Severus looked around in awe at the beauty of the forest around him, taking it in fully for the first time.

It reminded him of the forbidden forest, but older and more full of life, he could hear birds and beast moving through the undergrowth and treetops.

The air was fresh and crisp, the ground moist and plush, the very air seemed to sing with life and vitality, making the young Fae's chest fill with a sense of childlike giddy.

After taking everything in Severus made his way towards the sound of water he could hear coming from behind the cottage, deciding to get the stones first.

Walking through the trees Severus felt calm as he listened to the leaves tussle in the wind and the sound of animals sounded from all around him.

He wasn't worried about being attacked by beasts as he knew instinctively that they wouldn't harm him.

After walking for a minute Severus found the running water he was looking for as he stepped onto the bank of a small river.

The water was crystal clear and he could see the bottom that was covered in rocks.

At first Severus just skimmed the shoreline for the stones, but something in him rejected any of the stones he found and before he knew what he was doing the young Fae was stripping until he was bare as a new born babe.

The young man frowned at his actions, but decided to let whatever was going on happen, curious.

Wading into the water, Severus shivered as the cool liquid engulfed his feet and legs and traveled up as he waded out further.

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