Attacks & Boyfriend

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(A/N: Yes, I know, another chapter! I'm making up for the months I missed.)



Severus nearly jumped out of his seat at the loud sound that suddenly shattered the silence of the library..

Looking up he saw Paula standing in front of the groups study nook, a large stack of books on the ground at her feet.

Vanessa's gasp next to him caught his attention and he looked at her to see her staring to his left, with a hand over her mouth.

Following her gaze, Severus felt his blood chill.

In the corner of their study nook was a TV, usually it played news or recorded lectures the school had placed there for the students of Chronos Dorms.

Right now it was showing the news.


The headline flashed.

The scenes playing across the screen were sickening.

Rubble and glass littered the streets of what looked like a commercial street.

Buildings were missing large pieces of stone and windows, dust covered everything.

People and rescue workers were digging through rubble and bodies were being dragged limp from the devastation.

Men. Women. Children.

Their bloodied figures flashed one by one as footage of the attack played.

The group was frozen in horror as they watched in silenced as death and destruction played out in front of them.

After awhile Monty stood abruptly.

"I have to call my dad!" He said, as he rushed out, voice shaking.

Monty's father was a muggle who worked in London as a shopkeeper.

Luke stood as well.

"I'll go with him." He said, looking pale himself as he hurried after his friend.

Looking at each other, Paula, Vanessa, and Severus quickly cleaned up and headed back to their dorm.

The specialty dorms were in a state of panic.

The rest of the school was on winter break, but those making their way through different fast track courses had to stay behind in order to continue their education, so the dorms were noisy, buzzing with horror.

When Severus got back to his room he found his phone ringing incessantly.

The young Fae had left it in his room to charge because his charger overheated last night before it could finish charging.

Picking it up he saw it was Cameron.

Cameron and him had been dating through the winter break, seeing each other every Sunday.

They had gotten quite close and Severus had been surprised at how much he enjoyed being with Cameron.

Exhaling unsteadily, Severus answered the phone.

"Sev! Thank God! I just saw the news! Are you okay?" Cameron asked, sounding relieved.

Severus chuckled weakly as he slumped into his desk chair.

"I'm fine you dunnderhead. The attack wasn't anywhere close to BridgeGap! I should be asking you how you are doing! You're the one working close to where the attack happened!" He snapped back without heat.

Cameron worked at an auto shop near central London and was indeed closer to the 'bombing'.

Severus was suspicious of this bombing as according to the Prophet the war that had been building in his time at Hogwarts had finally broke out a week ago.

The young Fae had lived in Slytherin, the purebloods were quite candid about their plans and views about muggles when around like minded people.

Severus had heard all about Voldemort's promises about muggle hunts and 'slaughtering the filth like the pigs they were'.

Cameron sighed, bringing his attention back to the man.

"Your right, but no one knows if this is the end of it. Just, stay inside okay? Don't go out if you don't have to and if you need anything call me." He said firmly.

Severus bit his lip, but finally agreed.

If this was the war then he would be a target if anyone recognized him.

"Alright, but I'll be heading home next weekend, so I'll have to cancel on Sunday. I need to sort some things out." He told Cameron and it wasn't a lie.

The winter Solstice was coming and Severus needed to finish preparing for its arrival.

The young Fae felt a twist of excitement as this ritual would give him the knowledge to construct his own Moon Blades.

Moon Blades were a mixture of Moon Fae magic and the light that shown from Yue.

The blades were used by the moon Fae race to fight and banish wraiths to Hades.

Severus has never encountered a wraith, whether it was before or after his death, but he wasn't naive enough to think he never will and with his luck he would definitely need them sooner rather then later.

According to his book the young Fae would inherit the memories of his predecessor, the first Moon Fae.

These memories would not allow him to summon the blades instantly, but he could use them to learn how to construct them.

Cameron's voice brought Severus out of his thoughts.

"That's fine, we wouldn't be able to go out anyway. You live up in Scotland right? I honestly prefer that you will be far away from here till things calm down. Wouldn't be much of a boyfriend if I just demanded you risk your cute ass for a date." The older man said cheerfully.

Severus' eyes widen and he felt shocked.

"B,boyfriend?" The young Fae stuttered.

The line fell silent for awhile and Severus felt anxiety building in his stomach before Cameron finally spoke again.

"Shit. This isn't how I thought this would go, but fuck it!" The older man said, making Severus' heart race.

"Severus Lunar, will you give me the privilege of being your boyfriend?" He asked strongly.

The young Fae took in a sharp breath, feeling a mix of emotions.

Excitement, fear, insecurity, happiness, uncertainty.

They swirled into his stomach and he almost said no, instinctively wanting to pull back but as Severus thought about his time spent with Cameron.

The man was always respectful and seemed not to mind the young Fae's snarky personality, even seeming to enjoy his sharp words and dry humor.

Severus didn't deny that he really liked Cameron, but did he want to try to be in a relationship with him?

After a moment of thought, the young Fae let out a shaky breath.

He wanted to try.

"Alright." He said lowly, thankful that his voice didn't give away his nerves.

Cameron let out a massive sigh of relief and laughed.

"Oh thank God! I thought for sure I messed that up!" The man said happily.

Severus couldn't help the smile that pulled at his lips.

Meeting Cameron wasn't in Severus' plans and the young Fae can't say they will last, but no matter what, at least he won't regret not giving them a shot.


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