Learning & Determination

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With his new resolution the young Fae's mood settled into one of happiness and he ate dinner before deciding to read the books the goblin had given him as he wasn't tired enough to sleep.

Taking them down from the bookshelf where he had placed them Severus sat them on a small table by an armchair he had placed by the fire.

It was getting dark so the young man lit an oil lantern and set it on to the table next to the books so he had more then fire light to read by.

Rereading the titles Severus chose to read Children of the moon a History. Opening the book he settled into the armchair and began to read.


Children of the moon is an old term once used to describe the beings or creatures with affiliation and or connection with the moon.

The most commonly known of these are Werewolves. However there are other species, though few, that fall into the category described above.

The least known of these is Moon Fae. (For more information on Moon Fae see, [Fae, what you need to know] chapter IX)

Children of the moon are believed to be beings either blessed or cursed by the spirit of the moon themself.

Research shows that while, as everyone believes, Werewolves, Veela, Moon Fae, Vampires, and some Fairies were created around the same time as wizards. Evidence has been found through ancient text and ruins that they had been around far longer. Indicting that they were created rather then blessed or cursed.

Children of the moon are often depicted as violent, dangerous creatures, that hunt and kill without remorse, but like everything created they have a purpose.

Children of the moon and their cousins the children of the night, Grimm, dark Fae, Shades, and Nightmares are natural balancers to children of the sun and children of the day. (See, children of the night a history, children of the sun a history, and children of the day a history, for more information.)

According to ancient tombs found in the ruins of a moon temple, the children of the moon were created from the moon spirit's tears.

The tombs depicted a time when the world had fallen into chaos. Restless souls from one of the lights children, the mortals, were wreaking havoc on the earth, becoming wraiths and menevolent spirits that could not find peace do to unknown factors.

The evil ghosts tore through the land, possessing mortals and using them to take their torment out on others.

The wraiths attacked their victims at night, when the mortals were asleep and unable to fight the possession.

Seeing the balance shifting dangerously and the sun and day spirits unable to stop the dark souls, as they hid during the day and only came out at night where they could not be reached. The night and moon spirits created there children.

As the tale goes, the moon cried, their tears falling to earth like falling stars. One landed in a lush forest beside an injured wolf, who lay dying in the underbrush after being attacked by a possessed human.

When the tear hit the wolf it began to change, shifting into a man and the moon spoke to it saying.

"My hunter, you shall be my hound. You will help your kin hunt these tainted souls and end their path of  death. Now go my child, build your pack and find your kin."

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