Here we are!

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Okay, so I learned a couple of things in the past day and a half.

1, NEVER set a deadline, even a loose one

2, Make sure your the device your writing on is charged

3, Never let your parent take a nap on your bed after dinner because you are NOT sleeping in it that night

4, Chocolate is to be coveted

5, Research is hard

Anyway, here are the new chapters! I don't own anything you recognize and any myths or explanations on magical creatures you read are all bullshit I came up with to fit my story! This does have some crossover elements, such as mentions of characters, props, and or, an actual crossover in future chapters! *wink*

Please comment, it would make my day to know what you think!

Now! I promised you guys more chapters, so I give you more chapters!

Your slave, Bris

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