Chapter 12

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    I dropped my bags on the wooden flop and headed straight for his office. I didn't even bother to knock which I briefly regretted because what I walked into was not pretty. His whore climbed off him and turned the color of her dress. She couldn't even look me in the eye. No wonder he kept her as an assistant. I should give them their privacy, but I am far beyond pissed right now. Even my fathers hardening gaze did not intimidate me.

    “Sarah can you please excuse us for a second.” She didn't even speak. She just kept her head down and scurried out the room. I cleared his throat the continued,“welcome back son. I hope you and Amiya had a good trip.”

    My jaw tightened at the sound of her name and my fingers dug into my palm. “Cut the crap and tell me why you called me back because I know it’s not the lie you told me on the phone.”

    “Can we talk about this over dinner I have a few things to take care of first.”

“Like what? Screwing you whore? Does mom know about this? Because I will be more than happy to call and tell her! So either you can tell me why you froze my cards or you can deal with mum face to face.” My blood was bubbling and I am so done with him. Why can’t he just tell me what’s going on because I am clearly not in the mood for this.

“Nathan wheres Amiya?” That’s it. As I started to head out of the room his words stopped me and all the blood drained out of my face.No I couldn't have heard him clearly. I turned slowly to face him. His face was dead serious.


“Exactly that. We a probably going to jail.”

“How? Why?” “Well you messed it all up. I told you to date that girl but to you your petty love was more important.”

“What does that have to do with any of this?” Now I am even more confused than I was before.

“Remember I told you that I needed you to date her to keep the business going?”

“Carry on.” I started to become impatient.

“ Well, it was because…” He wiped his forehead with his pocket handkerchief. “ It was because I forged the numbers on our cash flow statements and her uncle was one of our largest investors. He threatened to take this case to court, but you were dating his niece he kept his mouth shut. Long story cut short, you broke his her heart he is willing to go through extreme lengths to make sure the whole company falls.” He said this so fast I barely heard what he was saying.

“Why don’t you just tell him it’s not true?” You are best at lying anyway.

“You don’t think I tried. That man values his family more than anything in this world.”

  I take a deep breath and fall onto the couch. I can’t believe he would do this. Once again, I am in trouble for something his stupidity got us into. What about my future? College. What would Amiya think. No don’t think about her. She doesn’t care about you.

    “However I did some investigation and I found a loop hole. However it includes Amiya.”

   “No. Don’t bring her into this.” I was tired of hearing her name come out of his mouth. Then I murmured, “It’s over between us.”

    What he did was unexpected. He actually laughed. I haven't seen him laugh this hard for a long time. Then he stood up and walked to the window.

    “Well you better make it right with her because…”


    I didn’t want to wake up. I felt so comfortable exactly where I was. Jordan was such a gentleman. We talked for most of the night. He made me laugh a whole load more than I had with Nathan over the last couple of weeks. I wonder if his flight has arrived safely. I check my phone, but there are no missed calls or messages. I don't even know why I would expect it after what I did to him. I stretch and take in my surroundings. I am in a large beige room which has three paintings hanging from them. The flower print curtains are letting just a little bit of light come in. Jordan must have brought me here after I fell asleep watching Big Band Theory.

    I hear my stomach grumble so I got up, took a quick shower in the bathroom, I had grabbed a tissue from yesterday and headed downstairs. At first I was reluctant to go downstairs since it isn't my house, but my stomach just wasn't agreeing to proper etiquette right now. It was easy to find the kitchen because there was such an amazing smell coming from it.

    When I entered there was a very hot looking Jordan behind the counter flipping some pancakes and bacon. His hair was all gelled back. He was wearing a blue fitted t-shirt and black jeans. When he saw me standing at the doorway, his beautiful green eyes lit up and my heart felt like It was skydiving. OH MY. Why does he have to be so beautiful?

    “Good Morning you, hope you like pancakes,” he murmured. I tried to speak, but nothing came out so I just nodded.

    “The food was amazing.” I said honestly.

    “Thank you. Cooking is one of my specialties" he said, winking at me.

    “Don’t be too big headed. Anyone can make pancakes and flip bacon.” I tease. “Well I am up to the challenge of feeding you till you admit that I am the worlds best cook.”

    “I will take you up on that. I mean I do love to eat. I would also like to get to know you better.”

    “ Well you know my name and my address isn't that enough for you?” he smiles and sticks his tongue out.

    “You know what I mean.”

    “Well, if you promise to stay longer I assure you, you would know much more than you even want to.”

    “What is longer for you?” He does realize I should be heading back to college in about a week and a half right?

    “Until you get tired of me.” He smiles. “When are you planning on heading back anyway?”

    “Like a week and a half.” He frowns at this. “Why so soon?” HE opens the fridge and gets out some orange juice.

    “ Well Jordan I hate to break it to you, but there is a such thing called college.”

    “Couldn’t you take a gap year and we could travel Europe together.”

    I laugh at this. The irony of it all. “I just met you. You could be a serial killer” I joked.

    “ Yet you slept here last night and you are still alive. You can trust somebody you have known for thirty minutes more than somebody you have known for eleven years.”

“ Let’s just enjoy the time I have left.” Is the only thing I could say. How could I even think of taking a gap year. My mum always said college is more important and she worked too hard for me to get here in life.


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