Chapter 25

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Please read the this!! Don't just skip it!

Is anybody else having a problem with their drafts on watt pad? When I write it the spacing is all okay but after a publish or come back everything just scrunching up.

Also I don't understand ya'll... chapter 24 got almost double the reads of chapter 23... Please make sure you read all chapters as you may get confused later on when everything comes together. Also PLEASE go back and vote for chapters you haven't already. It will mean a lot to me!

Also I feel as if I am coming to end this book. I know how I want to end it but I just don't know how to go about it. You will understand everything in the last few chapters so just bare with me for now.

Thank you<3


We were having a good time. Everything from this morning was kept at the back of my mind. At first I was so nervous around him but it all soothed over after all the walking we had done. The fair was so beautiful with all the flashing lights and the games were so fun.

The ferris wheel had been my favorite though so far. The kiss we had shared on top of it was extraordinary because there was such a beautiful view of everything Paris had to offer. I now know why they call it the city of love because everything is made more romantic. If this was a fair in Maryland everything would be so ordinary. Crowded place with guys trying to show off but here even the atmosphere was different. It had a calm tranquil to it.

"Common we have to go to the fortune teller," he said pulling my arm towards a tent placed in the corner of it.

"A fortune teller? Seriously? What are you nine?" I crossed my arms and gave him an amused grin.

"They actually tell the truth you just need to go to the right ones."

"Okay let's give it a try and we can also ask her when you will stop being such a kid," I teased.

"Well technically I am not a kid. A kid is a baby goat."

"Your point?"

He laughed and shook his head then pulled me inside before I could change my mind.

The inside was just as creepy as the outside. It was filled with everything you see in a witches layer. In the middle of it all, behind an old wooden table covered in cloth was an old woman. Her hair was as white as snow and her eyes were grey studs. There was something about this place that gave me the chills. I scooted closer to Jordan for extra security even though I knew she couldn't harm us but hay you never know.

"What brings you here," her slow shaky voice asked us after feeling our presence.

"She doesn't really believe in what fortune tellers say. She thinks you guys make it all up and tell us what we want to hear." Jordan said grinning at me as I swatted his arm.

The old lady smiled revealing her gold tooth. "I always like to take up a challenge. Many people like you walk in thinking that I only make up a bunch of baloney but let me tell you, I am one of the elders. I was was part of the process of teaching and developing fortune telling. I won't lie it got lost along the way and your generation take it as a joke but I don't tell you what you want to hear but simply the truth. If you have bad fortune you have bad fortune and if you have good fortune, well good for you."

"Where's your crystal ball?" I asked her sarcastically and leaned further back into my chair to make myself comfortable.

She laughed at my question. "Crystal ball? As I said, you have only seen the phony fortune tellers. Now bring your hand here and press your fingers together," We complied.

She took out a bowl which looked as if it was made out of a cows skull and mixed a bunch of different powders and liquids in it. Then she took a table spoon of the substance and poured it out into the palm of our hands. She chanted out something so quietly that I couldn't make out the words then fell into complete silence.

"For the girl you are smart and pretty. You have always had your life in order and you have planned everything the way you war it to go. Even if a bump comes up along the way you just readjust your plans so your life can go smoothly." I rolled my eyes and giggled because all she was doing was stating the obvious. She gave me a displeased look.

"For the boy. You have been very troubled for a long time but your life has been coming together piece by piece. The girl was a big piece to the mystery and she made you feel whole again. I can see you love her and you are both happy but that's all I can see. I can't see anything else about you but don't feel too alarmed sometimes fate just hasn't formed your destiny yet," her frowned deepened as she concentrated on what she was supposedly seeing.

"You both love each other even though it hasn't been long enough for you to admit it to yourselves yet. Your love is moving at a fast pace which is okay however Isee something bigger than both of you so don't say I love you just yet. a bigger test will come along. Bigger than your attraction to each other. If you could get past that then you know your love is real. I can't see what it is but it will decide you fate...."

I couldn't listen any longer. Her voice was distant and was easily drowned out by the train of thoughts that were passing through my mind at that moment. I shifted uncomfortably because I knew what she was talking about. I knew what she meant by the bigger problem. I was the bigger problem or rather it was in me. My thoughts went back to this morning when. I was looking for another hint. This was the bigger hint. The clue I was looking for.

~.~.~.~.~ That morning ~.~.~.~.~

I stared at myself in the full length bathroom mirror. I couldn't be. Something couldn't be in there. I'm just late.

Yeah...three weeks late? Admit it Amiya. Your actions came with consequences. This was one of them. You and your mum have same fate.

No I can't be. I have so many things I have planned out for my life. College being the top of that list.

Face it. You might as well call the school right now an tell them you won't be joining them in the fall semester. You shouldn't have been so caught up in the moment that you can't even remind him to use a condom. He's a guy. What does he have to lose?

I can't even go to a pharmacy because I don't know where to find one. I could barely find my way to the station right now without getting lost on the way and I'm not telling Jordan. One sign isn't enough to make such accusations.

Would he still come back to Maryland with me? Would he still want to be with me? Or will he leave just like my father?

Tears threatened to ruin my perfect mascara. I can't let myself cry. No.

I plastered a smile on my face. A smile that held so much worry. A smile that was going to get me through everything.

~.~.~.~.~ Right now ~.~.~.~.~

"Okay fine. I'm pregnant," I blurted out to nobody at all.

"What?" Jordan asked with a confused expression on his face.

"I am pregnant. We had sex. I was stupid enough to have sex with you and not remind you to use a condom. Now I am dealing with the consequences," before I could listen to anybody's reply I ran out the suffocating tent with tears streaming down my face. I kept walking not looking back once.

However I was brought to a stop when my eyes caught something on the other side of the fair or should I say someone.

Many of you guessed it!! :0

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