Chapter 7

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Something had changed. I trust him. I know that for sure now but something is still missing.

Last night went great. We walked around for a little while, taking in everything Paris had to offer. Me made me laugh which reminded me of old times.

I'm in the most romantic city ever why can't I just enjoy it? I need to vent out my emotions. Before I know it I've left Nathan still sleeping and knocking on Katie's door.

Luckily she answered and was already dressed so all I had to do was pull her out.

'Well good morning Katie. How are you today. oh gee Amiya I'm good, thanks for asking what about you?' She remarked sarcastically. I wasn't in the mood for silly confrontations though so I simply rolled my eyes. when she realized I wasn't planning to reply she asked,'where we going anyway?'

'To the park,' was the end of our conversation till we were seated under a tree.

'Ok speak up. What's bothering you?' With a worried look on her face.


I got too ahead of myself. What was I thinking? Why is this girl in my mind so much? She has a boyfriend. Not that I'm interested in her or anything. Sure Jordan that's why your here still in bed at two in the afternoon and have a hole in your closet door. I hate my conscious at times cause it's always so damn right!!!! When I saw her yesterday with him though...

I need to get out of here. I need to let all this out and frankly I know if I don't leave now I'll tear this place apart!

3 hours of running and I still can't get my mind off of her. She has a boyfriend man. She is inexplicably amazing. Your just a friend. Maybe there's more. The battle between my two minds and hard exercise are murdering me with ache.

She claimed to love this park the last time but didn't mention how huge and difficult it is. Why would she? She doesn't care about me. She cares about that d*ck excuse of a boyfriend. Damnit this feeling sucks.

As it feels like a gallon of water has been poured on me due to sweat, I take my shirt off and sit down on the wooden bench and bow my head.

That sound, that voice, I could swear that I hear her voice. That beautiful voice. I am going mad! Ofcourse I am, she is simply fascinating. She's not interested. Maybe I need to run some more. Good idea. If only I could punch my brain right now.



"So you see, we did everything yesterday and his actions showed me that he was telling the truth but something peculiar is going on with him" I explain to Katie.

She looked at me with furrowed eyebrows saying " so what are you gonna do? What about your new lover boy?"

I knew she would bring him up. His expression killed me inside when he saw me with Nathan and I don't even know why. It's not like I like him or anything. Do I? "You like him don't you?" Katie teases. She always finds a way to read my mind.

"Even if I liked him Katie, you didn't see his face when he saw us, it was heartbreaking."

"So you do like him, ok what about Nathan?"

"I don't know, the things I loved about him have begun to vanish... I can't seem to like anything about him because something is just different" I explain while we walk towards a bench. Damn this bench is hard.

"Uhmmm.. I'm gonna go get juice and water and juice" Katie rants.

"What?" I exclaim .

"Juice and water! You'll thank me later, bye!" Then she gets up and starts running. What in the world is happening. Turning around to see where she's headed my heart starts beating like an African drum as those green eyes meet my weak soul again.

"Jo.. Jo.. Jordan!" Wh.. What are you doing here? I mean how are you? I mean.."

"It's ok Amiya, I know where I'm not wanted" he mumbles as he begins to walk away. Jesus he is packed. His sweat shines through him making him look like an Angel. Why am I not calling for him. Call him fool. Jordan! My mind keeps screaming his name but nothing is coming out. Jordan! Nothing still.

Just say it already! "Jordan!" I hopelessly cry out. Way to go, real smooth. He turns around with eyes on the floor which quickly rises as the words I say stumble out of my mouth without consulting my brain, 'what if you are wanted here?'





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