Chapter 3

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I was running. I don't know from what but I was running down a road. Never ending. I kept looking back and nothing was there but that didn't stop me from moving forward. I just had to get away. Was it reality I was running away from? This isn't the first time I was having this dream. It's become so common that I know it's a dream I'm having but this time it had an unusual twist. When I looked behind me again I tripped over a fallen branch. As soon as I was about to hit the floor I pair of muscular arms caught me. When I looked up to see my savior I wasn't surprised to see it was Nathan. I let out a sigh of relief too early because as I stared into Nathan's hazel eyes they started changing. It became a beautiful green and his brunette hair became a dirty blonde. He's green eyes penetrated through my blue ones as he leaned in closer and closer until....

'Happy anniversary babe,' Nathan kissed my cheek as I opened my eyes.' I know it's early but I wanted us to spend the whole day together. Katie and brad will be at her grandmas either way so it will be just us too,'

I still hadn't said anything. I rubbed my eyes still trying to process my dream. I was officially psycho. Who on earth dreams about somebody they met for less than five seconds. I could feel Nathan's eyes on me so I did the best forced smile that I could and replied,' wow, I seriously can't believe we have been together for four years and we get to spend it on the city of love.' Nathan is my first boyfriend but I can say that he is what every girl needs in there life. I couldn't imagine life without him.

'So what do u have planned for today,' I asked and the exhaustion was evidently clear in my voice. I didn't get much sleep last night and when I actually did, I had a dream about him.

'You are clearly very tired so why don't you rest for longer. I didn't want to wake you up this early...umm...I guess I was just excited that today is another year being with you,' he blushed at this and these are the times that i remember so much why I love him. He was so sweet. When I just smiled and most likely blushed he added,' you better be ready for dinner by seven though and wear something nice.' He grabbed his sunglasses from the table.

'Where you going?'

He paused at the door as if he was thinking. Without even looking at me he said,'The museum, I left there yesterday.' Without uttering a single word he opened the door and left.

That was weird. I was too tired to react to it. Even too tired to get paranoid. There was no need though because Nathan never hid anything from me that's why I trust him. I didn't even realize how quickly I drifted off to sleep.


By the time I woke up it was already five thirty. Damn was I tired. I looked around and could see that Nathan still wasn't back. When I checked my phone I had no missed calls and on message which was from my mum checking on me. As soon as I replied to her message I decided to hop in the shower since I didn't have long till Nathan and I were supposed to go out.

Six thirty. I'm almost ready. Nathan comes running in. 'Hay babe. Hope you haven't been up for long.' I shook my head.' Good. I was um... caught up', what's with all the umms lately. Something stops me from asking questions though.

'That alright, I've been getting ready. I've just got to put on my dress.'

'Perfect. Let me also go get dressed then,' kissing my forehead.


An hour later Nathan was leading me through a very expensive looking place. Not that he couldn't afford it since he was always well off but still. This looked like a place only people like Obama would eat in. When we got to our seat I was gob smacked. I bet we had the best view in the whole restaurant. I was speechless.

As we talked and laughed Nathan suddenly gave me a serious look. ' you know that I love you yeah?'

'I know,' I couldn't help my cheeks burning.

'I want to spend the rest of my life with you. No matter what happens I want to be by your side. Nurturing you every step of the way. I love you to the moon and back,' oh gosh what is he saying. Is he trying to propose? I could feel my heart thumping against my chest. I bet he could hear it from where he is sitting.

All of a sudden he took out a black box. No. I'm too young. He the handed it to me and I reached out slowly to take it. Before I opened it I took a deep breath. I let it out though as soon as I saw what was actually in the box. I was embarrassed at what my mind had run to. I stared at the necklace. It was silver with a diamond centre. I hadn't seen anything this beautiful ever in my life. ' Nathan...I...I...I don't know what to say.'

'You don't have to say anything. Just assure me that your mine and only mine,' something was behind the serious look on his face though and once again I decided to ignore it. I didn't want to ruin the night with stupid suspicions.

'If you don't give me a reason to leave, then I'm yours till death.' In normal circumstances this would be the part that the boy kisses the girl and they call it a night but we aren't a normal teen couple. Nathan has never liked PDA and we both think it's better to wait till marriage to be each other's fully. Many people think we are weird but I like it like that.

When I look up his eyes have diverted from me and moved to something behind. When I turned to look I had caught his eye it was a girl which made me tense up. When I looked at him again he had a sour look on his face mixed with something I could quite tell but it made me loosen up. By the time I loosened up though he had already seen the worried look on my face. He leaned close to me though and whispered in such a sexy voice,' why don't I get the bill so we can go have some real fun.' That warmed up my heart and made me feel more comfortable.

About a minute after he got up I decided to quickly go to the restroom. As I was about to turn the corner though I heard Nathan's voice. What was weird though is the waiters were on the other side of the room. Then I heard a female voice,' I just didn't want to interrupt your dinner. You and your girlfriend really seemed to be...I don't even know.'

'Girlfriend? Noooo that's my sister Olivia. She's not my girlfriend. I told u at the museum today I don't have a girlfriend.' Wait. What????? Was I hearing correctly. Whilst I was sleeping he's been with some slut all afternoon?No way!! I had to peep around the corner just to make sure it was him. 'You know your my only....'

I had had enough I couldn't stand this anymore. I turned the corner and I saw Nathan eyes widen because he knew that I had heard everything.

I held my head high and marched straight pass them. Nathan still had the courage to go,'Amiya wait...'

'For what Nathan? As you can see your sister is tired and needs to go. Have fun with your girl.' The word girl felt like an arrow going through my chest.

With that being said I walked out keeping the tears in. I kept walking for about 10 minutes but I didn't care I just needed to get away from him. When I finally found an empty bench I sat down and the tears came rolling down. Nothing could stop them. Four years. I wasted four good years of my life with a cheating bastard. He had already found a girl here and we have been here for less than a week. I wonder how many he had in Maryland.

I felt like crap. As I started wiping the tears up somebody asked me,' I'm sorry but is this seat taken?' I looked up and to my surprise I was staring into green eyes.




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