Chapter 29

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Hay you guys. This book has like two to three chapters left and this is a short chapter leading up to the end.
Please check out my new book called "Tears beneath the skin". It is so much better than this one. I can assure you that.
Anyway please go to previous chapters to vote!!
Sorry for the typos it's late here.


I sat there opposite the bubbly girl sipping at her banana and strawberry smoothie. We had just come from looking through countless shops for dresses. None of them had exactly what I wanted. They were either too sparkly or too revealing or they simply didn't look good on me. I hated dress shopping. It made me feel so insecure. All those eyes staring at you whilst you model the clothing out for them. I hated attention and thats exactly what they give you. Attention.

Grace had a really beautiful dress. It matched her eyes. Everybody in the small overpriced shop was gawking when she came out. I was nothing compared to her. This shopping trip has been so unsuccessful. The dinner award show thingy is tonight and I still don't have anything to wear. My old stuff won't work cause their all cheap stuff from forever 21 and ross. I was starting to get frustrated. I couldn't cancel on Jordan either. Anyway I wanted to get to know his dad more since he was always on business trips or locked away in his study.

"You know, you should really give Maddy a chance. She's not half as bad as you make her out to be. She's just been through a lot and sometimes doesn't know how to filter some things she says out," She muttered trying to convince me that her devilish friend is actually and angel in disguise. Anything to do with that girl annoyed me and I wanted to move on from the topic. I was already overwhelmed by all I have to do I didn't want to add her name to the mix.

"I don't know. I just don't trust her. She knew what she was saying a few weeks ago. It's not like she was oblivious to everything. She knew Jordan and I were getting closer she had even asked me in the kitchen yeah. Anyway she knew but she wanted exactly what happened to happen except she didn't think that I would have stuck around. I just don't want to surround myself wight hat sort of drama. Anyway want to hit some more shops?"

"Stop trying to change the topic," she pestered on. "I really want you both to work out your differences. I know that she has some type of feelings towards Jordan which he is completely blind to but he is still a common factor. You both can't keep crossing paths when you are not at least friends with her you know? It's toxic. I'm not saying you have to be best friends with her but at least try to tolerate each other without other people around you being able to feel the venomous hatred radiating off you guys." Maddy had disgusted me so much I didn't even think of being nice to her for show. I mean I couldn't avoid her all the time so it's better to start practicing how to play nice before tonight where I would be in front of Jordan's close family and friends.

"Okay, why don't you text her to join us," I said between clenched teeth. Grace looked kid of surprised that I had actually taken her advise so quickly. "I'm only doing this to shut you up," I half joked.

"Trust me you won't regret it." She beamed taking out her phone.


It had been an hour since Maddy joined us and boy was my playing nice game on point. Maddy on the other hand could have stepped it up a notch.

I don't know how Jordan was so oblivious to her liking him. It was so obvious. From the way she

I decided to ignore her. Not because I don't care because I really do. I'm going to ignore her because weak people seek revenge, strong people forgive and intelligent people ignore. I'm going to let karma take its course.

"So Maddy I was just telling Amiya here what a great couple her and Jordan make. I haven't seen him this happy in such a long time," Grace said beaming. She was still trying to show me that Maddy wasn't that bad but the tension in the air said it all.

Maddy looked at her and continued texting away. When she finally put her phone down she glanced at me then back to Grace. "Mhm great," she murmured sarcastically rolling her eyes. She gave me the most fake smile I had ever seen before. I might as well take advantage of the situation.

"Aww that's so sweet of you to say Grace. He treats me like I'm his princess. Giving no other his time of day. He actually did tell me that he hadn't felt like this about anybody before. I feel the same and anybody who tries to get in between us would truly be sorry. I care for him so much. Trust me I haven't felt like this about anybody." I said that with a hint of threat in my voice. Maddy glared at me showing that she understood the meaning behind every word I said.

"Awww I ship you guys," grace beamed jumping up and down in her seat. Maddy rolled her eyes wanting to say something but stopped herself when she heard her phone ringing. Suddenly her face lightened up and I knew straight away that she was up to something.

"Give me a moment," she said directing it more to Grace than me.

"What do you think that was about?" I asked honestly confused. I had such a bad feeling about this. Maddy never looked this happy unless she was up to something. I need to figure out what it is.

"I don't know. She was talking about this job position she was applying for. Maybe that's them. She was really excited about it." She shrugged thinking nothing of it. I knew there was something going on though. I didn't trust her whatsoever. Job interview my behind.

Well...maybe I was thinking too much of it though. What if she really did have a job interview. Not everything revolves round me even though that's how it has been lately. I calmed myself down. Stop being paranoid Amiya.

"Sorry you guys I have to go. I need to meet up with someone." she hugged us both which took me my surprise. What on earth has gotten into her? She got all happy after that phone call. I could have sworn she looked me in the eye and smirked. She directed it at me. She is up to something. I'm sure if it.

I shook my head trying to stop making everything about me. I needed to stop being so paranoid.

"Let's get going as well. we still need to find you a dress."

Please don't forget to check out my other book. Your opinions really mean a lot to me:)
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