Chapter 32

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I'm sorry it took me so long to update!!! It's been ramadan and to me that just means procrastination at it's finest. Also I've been trying to do all my summer class work early so I can actually enjoy my 1D and Nicki concert<3   

So I guess this is the last chapter:') *Tear* I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who supported this book. I remember When I first started this book I didn't expect anybody to actually read it. I will be going back to rewrite this to make it better since there so many typos and things that do not make sense.

I want to say such a big thank you to @raining_words because she has been such a great support!!

I'll dedicate this book to someone in about a week!! Please vote and comment on this chapter one last time:)

....Also I am re-writing parts of my other book so it's down for now but it will be re-uploaded when I am done. Follow mw to get updates:)

Btw sorry I haven't been replying to comments. My phone charger broke and I don't use my laptop to check out comments. Anyway I read them all and keep commenting as you read :)


The world was turning around me so slowly it made me sick. Everything was blurry. I wanted to get away. I would rather be anywhere but here. My mind was a million places at once. Thoughts bouncing from corner to corner. My feet were not running as fast as I wanted them to but I was thankful I didn't wear those heels. Nowhere was far enough for me. I needed to keep running.

Maddy's words kept repeating in my head. Taunting my thoughts. How could I not realize? A percentage of me wanted to blame my mum but the more civil side of me knew I couldn't. I wanted to scream at her for leading me to believe that I was the only child.

Another part of me wanted to blame Nathan. If he wasn't a let down and money hungry boyfriend I would have never left him. I would be happy with him right now. We would be in love. Or I would have been led to believe that we were in love. I wouldn't have known what this small piece of freedom was. Everything would still seem perfect. 

Another part of me was blaming Jordan. What If he never caught me that day? If he didn't catch me that day those green orbs would never had hypnotized me into loving him. Which sucks. I want to wake up with insomnia. I want all of this to be a distant memory I could laugh about in the near future. I never got it when people said that but now I do.

I stopped at a lake. It looked so tempting. I felt disgusted with myself. I wanted to scrub every single inch of skin on me. I want every humiliated cell off me. Without a second thought I took my shoes off and jumped into the water. The cold water calmed me and for a second everything seemed a little better.

"Amiya....." That second was short lived. I sighed not wanting to turn around. All I wanted was to let the water cool me off.

"Please go away. You are the last person I want to see right now." I heard a sigh then felt the water pushing forward. The ripples patterned it's smooth surface indicating he went against my wishes. This was the last thing I wanted right now. I didn't need any of this. I just wanted to runaway from my problems forever.

"No. I want you to hear me out. I didn't mean for you to find out like this. I didn't want to hurt you..." I scoffed. I didn't want to hear this.

"Nathan just stop with the bullshit. You don't care about anybody but yourself. Oh wait my bad...yourself and your future place in your fathers business. You just need to back the fuck off. If you wanted to do this the right way you would have come back here and told me everything you know. If you wanted to protect me from all of this you wouldn't try make it about you. You wouldn't try get me back. Let me guess, your dad said if you helped him he would guarantee you a ceo position or something right?" He hesitated. I could tell my words were getting to him.

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