Chapter 10

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I sat back down on my bed and even before I could get my thoughts together my phone rang indicating that somebody had wanted to FaceTime me. I was about to ignore it when I realized that it was Kate. I needed somebody that I could vent out to and I knew Kate would not judge me.

“Ok I swear you have officially won the worst best friend title ever. If I don’t call you…” She trailed off when she saw the frown on my face and suddenly became worried, “OMG Amiya are you okay? You look like you have just seen a ghost or something. Is Nathan being a dick again?”

“It’s me this time around. I don't know what to do. I am a horrible girlfriend. I had dinner with Jordan tonight and didn't even tell Nathan. Jordan asked me to stay here in Paris with him,” I could tell she was just about to say something, but I put my hand up to telling her to let me finish. She listened quietly and her face stayed the same throughout the whole story. I didn't leave out any detail about the whole situation. When I was done there was about a minute of silence mainly for her to process the information and for me to regain my breath.

Then she spoke,” Do you remember what we said before we left?” By my facial expression she knew that I had no idea what she was talking about so she continued, “ We said we would go out looking for adventure and let nothing get in the way of that. Mine was cut short follow where your hearts map takes you.”

What type of advice is this girl giving me right now? Was she high? She is supposed to tell me I am wrong and I should completely block Jordan out of my life. Cutting my thoughts short, there was a knock on the door. I decided to ignore it because it must have been Jordan wanting to shout at me for how rude I was. Then there was another knock which was louder and more urgent this time.

“I have to go, but i’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Sure. I love you. Don’t let this whole situation stress you out more than it should."

Just as I rang off a voice shouted, “Amiya! Open the door.” Oh yeah, Nathan… I groaned and unlocked the door. Even before I opened the door fully Nathan barged in and started packing his stuff. “Pack your stuff now. We are leaving in an hour.” I just stood there giving him a confused look. “I’ll explain on the way, but right now please babe. Just listen to me. It’s not the time to be difficult.” He looked at me with the eyes I once loved. I mean the ones I still love. I think. He took a moment to embrace me and I could feel my heart beating fast. Not in the way it used to though. I was more nervous right now than comfortable and shy. This holiday has been everything but relaxing, so I guess I don't really need to know his reason for us leaving abruptly. I grab my suitcase from under the bed and also start to stuff all my things in.


“Fuck,” I hear Nathan mumble under his breath for the hundredth time since we entered the car.

I roll my eyes at his impatience. I hate it when he is in this type of mood and I barely even understood why we have to leave so early. During his whole explanation I was thinking about what if I did stay. What would have changed? A whole lot thats for sure. I huff quietly, not wanting Nathan to ask questions. Not like he would have noticed anyway, as he seems to be absorbed in his own thoughts.

When we finally get to the airport and get past through all the checkpoints I excuse myself to go to the toilets. I just really needed to get away.

“Can you take your luggage with you. I may need to get up and sort something out real quick.” I nod and carry on to find the restrooms.


What’s taking her so long? They had already announced our flight twice and they are doing the final calling. Maybe she didn't feel too good. In the car she looked paler than usual, but I’m over thinking this. I go to the counter and show my ticket.

“My girlfriend is also on this flight, but had to quickly go to the restroom she will be back though. Can you please keep her passport and ticket till she gets here?” The woman gives me a flirty smile as she takes the ticket. I brush it off though and proceed into the flight.

I was one of the last people to board the flight. I sent her Amiya a quick text letting her know where her stuff are and told her to meet me on the plane. Not that long after I heard a muffling sound and from the speaker above me, I heard the pilot announce, “ Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard. We have now closed the doors and I hope you enjoy the trip to our destination which is Washington.”

“Excuse me,” I stood up and shouted. “My girlfriend! She's not on here yet!”

The air hostess came down the aisle and whispered in my ear, “ Are you the one who left the passports and tickets at the front desk?” I nodded and she gave me a sympathetic look. “The girl came to collect it and told me to tell you that she is sorry.”

I was in shock. I didn't even know what to say. From nowhere I started ranting, “Let me off the plane now! I need to get off! I can't leave her here!”

“Sir we have already closed the door and the captain has started heading towards the runway. We can’t open the doors. Please sit down.” She tried to keep her voice as calm and collected as she could, but I could tell she was about to lose it. I looked around me and all eyes were on me. Slumping back into my seat the only thing that was on my mind is I was played. I don't know which I was more mad at the fact that she left me here or the fact I knew exactly who she left me for.


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