Chapter 7

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"Well, based on the fact you don't need to know absolutely everything, I'll keep it simple." Julie paused for a moment, successfully ordering her thoughts before continuing. "Your mother was an agent-"

"Like a spy?"

"No. An agent - big difference, one you best not forget in the presence of other agents - and she was one of the best. Her cover job was as a police officer which would explain any absences from society and any otherwise unexplainable injuries. She began working with us about a decade before your birth. She worked hard and was probably the most determined, successful and well-liked agent there. She was a role-model, the person everyone wanted to be or be connected to. Then she took an undercover mission and disappeared from all communications, went off-grid for months. The agency tried getting back into contact with her but there was no sign. We thought she was, well gone."

Julie's voice was full of emotion, more than what would have been assumed for an acquaintance.

"Then, about 17 years ago, she came back. It was a sudden affair. She relayed the information she had acquired and then, against everyone's wildest imaginings, quit. She just stopped doing what she loved, what she was amazing at."


"Because she had you. Aliza met your father and wanted to have a family. So she left, simple as."

"That's great to know and all but how does that fit in to everything now? How is this going to make me want to join you?"

Julie sighed and ran a hand through her hair. Despite her fatigue, her voice held a certain fondness that negated the harshness of her words. "If you would stop being so impatient and let me finish, you might find out."

She paused, waiting for Alex to agree. Alex tilted her head and so Julie continued.

"But as always, there was no one quite like your mother and the agency needed her back. Against her wishes, she was put back on the case she had left previously. Now with a life outside of the agency, she stopped going into the field, preferring analysis and handling instead. But unfortunately, that's what did it. As soon as Aliza was back on the seen, word got out and she was followed, surveilled and began fearing for her life and yours. It was said she had something, information of some kind. She denied everything to the agency but I had a feeling she knew something. Before she could act on whatever it was she had, she was assassinated and whatever she had was thought to be passed on to you." 

Julie looked at Alex pointedly. 

Alex held her hands up. "I don't know what to tell you, I've searched through anything and everything my mother had or had given me, hoping she left me something more and I have yet to find anything. If that's the reason you wanted to recruit me, you're out of luck."

"As I thought. However that's not why I wanted to recruit you. First of all, the enemies your mother made have been seen to be making a move on you, seemingly interested is finding the information your mother had, them believing you would be the key."

"So you just want me to join for my protection? Cause if that's it then-"

Julie held up a finger, quickly silencing Alex's words.

"It's a reason, a small one. Yes you would be more protected on a day to day basis at the agency but it's more than that. It's glaringly obvious to anyone that you're bored with life, that you need something, a thrill, that rush of adrenaline. Your mother was the same." Alex preened at the comparison. "The skills you posses could be used in a better environment that street fights. You could help change the world, for the better. What you already know could be enhanced to the point you're just as good as an agent as your mother once was, if not better. There is so much potential in you, Alex, so much potential that is being wasted in this ordinary life."

Alex shrugged. "Okay sure, I'm in."

"I understand it may be difficult to think about but- wait, you agreed? Already?"

"Well yeah. I resonate with everything you said so far and as long as you can assure me that this is the place you work and that you really do try to improve the world and are not just spewing a whole load of rubbish to get me to join then yeah, I'm in."

Alex had come to trust Julie, a person who in the years of knowing each other had never hurt her once. On top of that, Julie was someone her dad knew and liked and his judge of character hadn't let her down so far.

"Well that was a lot easier than I expected."

Alex smirked. "I live to break people's expectations."

Julie laughed. "I'm sure you do."

Alex leaned forward, hand clasped in her lap with a mischievous look plastered on her face. "So what's my cover? How am I going to get my dad to believe I'm not going to work for a secret agency?"

"Simple. You've been accepted to an elite boarding school which is not far from the truth. You will fit in nicely with our junior agent program where you will be able to continue your current studies and at the same time learn new skills such as cryptography and anti-surveillance. Similar to school after a series of examinations, you will be given one or two roles you are best suited to to specialise in."

"This is all sounding great. Where is it?"

"The exact location will remain unknown to you until you pass the first tests. While you performed well in the combat and anti-surveillance tasks previously, you will need to be tested further to enter the agency, like a ritual of sorts."

"I've already passed tests? Were you the one that followed me?"

"Yes, and I have to admit, you did well taking me down in the alley, inflicting more bruises on top of those from our fight."

That made Alex smile, an expression that was quickly wiped off.

"You only followed me once? What about the time before that?"

Julie's brows furrowed. "That, was not us." Her tone was dark. 

"So other than the alley, you didn't follow or engage with me?"


"Then who the hell did this?" Alex stood up, turned around and lifted her T-shirt enough for the large bruise on her back to peek out. 

Julie's eyebrows shot up into her hairline. "Jesus Christ Alex! How much pain are you in?"

"It's wearing off now, so not too much. I'm guessing that wasn't you then?"


"Do you know who it was?"

"I have an inkling."

"Care to tell me who it was?"



And then there was silence.

"Can I visit my dad?"

"Sure I guess, most likely during 'school holidays' if that works."

"Depends if he's away on business or not."

Silence reigned once again, Julie's mind occupied by dark thoughts, problems and possible solutions. 

"Well," Julie sat up suddenly, heading towards the front door. Alex stood also and hurried after her. "I will see you at 0900 hours tomorrow morning. Don't be late, and don't forget to lock the door."

Just as Julie was about to leave, Alex's voice stopped her.

"What's the agency called."

Julie hesitated half a moment before decidedly making up her mind. "Auxilium."

Alex screwed up her face. "That's a pretty stupid name."

"One the makes all the sense in the world."

With that parting statement, Julie exited the house into the summer evening.

Alex was left standing in the hallway where she was staring at the point Julie had been standing in moments before. She had a feeling she had just made a pretty important decision. She just hoped it was the right one. 

Forever Fighting  |  ✔️ | [previously Espionage: double-cross]Where stories live. Discover now