Chapter 66

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Day 2

Alex let out a small yawn, stretching her arms as well as she could in the cramped space. The world smelt fresh from the quiet pattering of rain they had last night and she suddenly felt more appreciative of James' shelter, despite the small size. While she didn't have space, being so close to someone else was great in terms of staying warm but she tried to deny the comfortable feelings of security that came with it. 

She got up and walked over to her bag, leaving a sleepy James behind her. As she grabbed her phone, she let out a little breath and her entire being froze.

She fumbled, her phone slipping though her fingers in rapid motion as she tried to get the app open, desperate to see its contents. She leaned against a tree and controlled her breathing. 

Years ago her father and her had built in a one way communication, one that didn't need signal, or wifi. Only to be used in case of emergencies and as far as she was aware, this was an emergency. She had almost completely forgotten about it until a notification had popped up, from her dad of course. She calmed herself, preparing herself for any form of news.

Hey honey. Everything is good. They're not suspicious but they did a 2 mile search radius (she couldn't let James know he was right) but knowing you, you forced him to walk 10 because you were paranoid ;) they headed back to base, believed my story. I'm safe, I'm good. Now I just wanted to remind you that Julie will be bringing along two acquaintances so BE NICE. Love you, stay safe.

Alex could breathe easy again, so many of her father-based worries just floated away. She was so overcome with relief she didn't notice the person sneaking up behind her. When she felt the hand on her shoulder though, she sagged into it. She didn't realised just how used to James' presence she had gotten.

"Hey, see, it all worked out."

She nodded, feeling the build up of pressure behind her eyes that wanted to burst with joy. She didn't realise exactly how scared she had been, terrified to lose someone else. She put her hand on James', enjoying the feeling of solid security he gave her and pushed the tears back. She was happy but not so much she would cry for the first time in, well, since her mother died. Somehow all of her emotions were coming back from the dark place she had buried years ago and she didn't quite know whether to help or hit everyone who had caused this unnecessary(?) transformation.

"Yeah, it did."

He smirked. "Who was right?"

She sent him a 'small' glare.

"You know what, you're right, serious topic. Got it."

She then realised how long she had been clasping onto his hand and stopped, breaking away now that the moment had passed. She cleared her throat and stood up, dislodging his hand from her shoulder. They both stepped back and faced each other. It was a little awkward. Not because of the silence, no. Because of James' strange grin that adorned his face, kinda like the 'I have a secret that you don't know about' face.

"What? What do you know."

He shook his head, not even opening his mouth to reply.

"Oh you cannot get away that easily."

He shrugged and turned away, going to the already packed up shelter. She frowned. 

Did I really spend that long staring at my screen. 

Apparently, she did, because not only was the shelter packed up, the fire covered with dirt and all of their stuff in bags, but James had made breakfast - well, if crisp bread and dried fruit could be defined as a breakfast. Well, it was the thought that counts.

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