Chapter 58

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It had been a few days since the fight now and Alex was already feeling better, the headaches and chest pain had completely subsided and she was looking forward to training again. 

She would have started by now if James wasn't watching her like a hawk. 


Anytime she left her room, he was there, making sure she didn't 'overwork' herself and was constantly resting. 

It was becoming extremely annoying. Extremely.

"Dude, can you leave me alone!"

He shook his head so hard she honestly thought it would part from his shoulders. "Nope. You cannot be trusted to not start training or climb a tree or some crap. You'll end up hurting yourself more and we'll be back to square one. Just rest!"

"I've rested long enough now!"

"Oh really?" She nodded, wincing slightly at the pain in her head from doing so. "Then why did you just wince?"

"Huh, what wince? I have no idea what you're talking about."

He rolled his eyes at her attempt. "Acting innocent isn't going to work."

Alex huffed in reply. "You know what, you're right." James nodded to himself in satisfaction. Then she smirked and a slight fear overcame James. He knew she'd be weaker but still a force to be reckoned with. "We'll just have to try something else then." Her tone was sweet and innocent but both knew her intentions were anything but.

James wanted to stop now, to go hide so he didn't have to face the evil plan that was already hatching but he knew that's what Alex wanted so she could go for a run or punch some trees.

 She hummed happily, brushing past him as she practically skipped down the stairs. James ignored the sparks that tingled on his skin where she had brushed passed and instead turned to follow her in cautious curiosity.

Probably not his smartest idea.

He had just rounded the corner of the kitchen where he expected to see Alex sulking or making something. He was met with nothing - no sign of anyone. He didn't turn around fast enough. A resounding clang echoed through the marble kitchen as a frying pain hit him on the back of the head with a loud shout of, "Tangled style." Seconds before he blacked out, he was met with Alex waving at him. The last sound before the darkness overwhelmed him was the sweet sound of her voice saying, "Nighty-night, sleep tight."

Alex sighed in amusement. 

Now to make sure he doesn't come after me when he inevitably wakes.

She went up to the secret cupboard and grabbed some reinforced rope that, for some reason, was there. She hopped down the stairs, humming in laughter (which was strange when she just knocked someone out, she knew) and tied both of James' wrists to the fridge door, the bad fridge in case he felt like punching something. 

At least he could access food and drink, she wasn't a total monster.

Now she had successfully gotten her freedom, she changed into some running gear and stepped into the cool autumn breeze. The leaves around her rustled and the beautiful sound of birds singing drowned out the steady thump of her footsteps on the mulch that was previously leaves. This was what she needed - to get out and just relax, to forget about things, if only for a moment. 

The wind whipped around her face as she ran, pumping her legs harder and faster, enjoying the feel of adrenaline in her veins and the cold air on her warm body. Subconsciously, she stayed close to the cabin, just in case although the chances that there were walkers this far out was extremely low.

She continued her run for half an hour more before deciding to head back, her throat dry and parched. The kitchen was still silent, James still unconscious next to the fridge. Alex let out a small chuckle while grabbing a glass of water and heading off to the training room.


"Urgh. That really hurt." James sat up, ignoring the throbbing in his head as he did so, which was difficult considering his hands were handcuffed to the fridge door beside him. 

Forever Fighting  |  ✔️ | [previously Espionage: double-cross]Where stories live. Discover now