Chapter 73

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They both looked at her as if she was mad.

Being completely honest, she probably was.

They were, all still, stupefied in shock, just staring at each other as the seconds on the timer climbed steadily lower. It was only at the beep when the bomb reached two minutes did the real world start turning again. And how fast it was spinning. 

Heather was the first to stumble out of her stupor. With a quick glance at her half-blinded father, she made up her mind quickly and raced out of the maze. 

Alex knew she should get going, she really should, but she didn't have it in her to become a murderer just yet. She wouldn't stoop to Potentia's level, not while she was sober, not on drugs, thinking clearly and still had hold of her moral compass. 

She stopped beside Silva, grabbed his arm and began pulling him out of the maze.

Alex was surprised neither had tried to move the bomb in anyway but in the end, they probably realised just as she had that they wouldn't be able to move it far away enough without being killed as well.

This was really their only option.

"Why are you leading me out?"

"Because no one deserves to die. Life-long imprisonment and whatever punishments your 'loyal' followers decide to inflict, well that I can let happen."

Silva stopped suddenly. "Dying would we a better fate to a life I cannot control, where I have no power. I worked too long and too hard to be left to rot in prison with people so much weaker than me lording it over and enforcing their will on me!" There was a hateful venom that filled his voice, a voice that bore so much conviction Alex knew he truly believed being dead was the best case scenario.

She rolled her eyes at him. "Jesus christ man, stop with the power play. Get over yourself, you were stopped, by a 16 year-old girl no less. Take it on the chin and get on with it." Then to herself, she carried on muttering, "Stop whining you useless bag of crap."

She then resumed pulling him out, tugging on him and quickening her pace.

"Someone will carry on my life's work, I assure you that."

Alex rolled her eyes again. Really, it was the only reasonable response at this point. "Then I will stop them as well."

"You cannot just destroy everything!"

"We have the evidence."

"Yeah well guess what, everyone you know is probably dead you moronic girl! You have no evidence from me and before coming here to finish you personally, something I should have just left to the assassins that have been following you around - which would have saved me a lot of hassle and an eye mind you, every one of your teammates were practically living their death sequence anyway. Whatever happens, you will never truly win."

Despite the boss' villainous speech, not, the tremulous note of fear negated his harsh words. The warehouse was too big and they weren't going fast enough, not in the time they had left. 

"Neither will you, and that's all that matters." Alex was counting down the seconds in her head now, readying herself for the worst. 

She noticed the man about to open his mouth, the rivulets of blood from his eyes running down his face like rivers of death.

Alex felt no remorse.

She decided to shut him up before he got going. For someone who had to be so composed, he had no idea how to shut his gob. "Shut your pie hole, say not another word or I will rip out the other eye and stuff it in there instead, like a pig and an apple."

Forever Fighting  |  ✔️ | [previously Espionage: double-cross]Where stories live. Discover now