Chapter 62

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"Hold on," Alex kept her cool, not completely losing her head just yet. "Please, explain to me how the woman who has been teaching me martial arts for years and then initiated me into the secret agency she practically runs is my aunt and I had no idea. Would have been nice to know I had other family, years ago." 

Her voice was calm, tone light but her eyes were deadly. Her dad opened his mouth to reply but she held her hand up, cutting him off. She was still staring at the ground, wrapping her head around the whole thing. She didn't need to look at him to know he'd be trying to take it back. 

"Not only have you lied to me about family I do have, not to mention my own aunt did so, but you lied to me about your actual job. Do you have any idea how many problems could have been avoided, how much hurt?" Her voice was still quiet but pain seeped through into her tone. They should have understood, she wasn't a little girl any more. 

Grayson looked at the floor, guilty. "I didn't want to get you involved with this world."

Alex shook her head, vehemently protesting. "No! It was inevitable! You even said yourself, Potentia was looking to get me either way, the only thing prolonging the recruitment was your presence!" She had abandoned the calm persona, instead opting to show the anguish the decisions of the people around her was causing. Decisions made for her, she not getting any input. Grayson made to say something but Alex shut him up when she pointed the gun at his head. 

She stood up and stepped towards the exit. "Don't follow me, don't try to talk to me."

Softly, her father replied. "I'm still your dad, I still care about you and would do anything for you."

Alex's hard gaze softened slightly. "I know. Just give me time." When James looked away, giving the pair a more private moment, Alex smirked and winked, letting Grayson a moment to shake his head in amusement before she was off, stomping her way up the stairs to continue with the dramatics. She'd always loved being dramatic, especially when it would leave an innocent bystander like James worried about her mental health and probably think she was more than a little pyscho. 

She smiled at the thought of his bewildered expression but it was quickly wiped off when her wind wandered to the events of the evening. Someone else had hidden things from her, her family, links to her long-lost mother and the betrayal cut deeper when it was her father. 

She may have overplayed the dramatics of the the moment but she was still trying to understand everything and overcome the grief and relief that desperately wanted to consume her at the sound of the new information. Her father knew that being dramatic was her way of lightening a serious situation but he also knew she was serious when she said she needed time. 

A string of knives in the back could lead to a lot of blood loss, and a terrifying uncertainty of the future.

James stared at the door Alex had left through with wide eyes. "Is she going to be okay? She has weapons, do we need to grab them? Is she going to use them to destroy the house? Oh my god she's going to burn the house down and then she-" He was cut off by an amused chuckle, no a  laugh, a full-on, hearty laugh and the source was the man sitting beside him, the man that should have been having a panic attack right now, same as him. But no, the lunatic was laughing!

"Oh my boy, you have no idea!" That sent him into a fit of laughter all over again, the laughs increasing in frequency at James bewildered face.

"Can you please tell me what's going on?" There was hint of impatience in his voice. He was worried about Alex. She had just gotten a hell of a lot of crazy important information, was probably wracking her brain to find a dark place to store and forget it, to hide from it. She was so hurt! She had slammed the door before stomping up the stairs like a rampaging todler having a tantrum. It was not like her at all.

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