My problems that you never faced.

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You put your feelings on mute every time something doesn't go your way
making our conversations silent.
I hate when you avoid me instead of confronting me with how you feel.
How can "WE" heal if you never let yourself bleed ?
Do you know how disheartening it is arguing with you and you just sitting there still like it doesn't hurt you....
How can we say we love each other when you don't hurt when I Do ?
Im asking all these questions wondering if I can make you feel like I Do
That somewhere in your silence that maybe I can find you
That maybe here in pain that all your feelings can find you
That you'll seek relief in this Conjoined pain like I do
And then you'll want to heal the same way that I do .....
That you'll want to tear down your walls of pride for the one you love to love you.
In that we could find relief
We could long for each other peace
Yet I felt that everyday alone without you my piece to give me peace.
I hoped for that insanity not even fathoming to believe
that even for a second that after all this time maybe you just never really loved me....
That your lack of love for me made you inadequate to feel any of the pain that I did.
That I unnecessarily suffered for someone I gave everything I had just for them to walk away
That I planted a seed full of love in your soil that you knew deep down would blossom into lies
Yet you covered it up as this beautiful flower that would never make me question why it's nectar was foul
In the sight of its beauty all flaws were forgotten and now from its true nature my heart has festered rotten...
But despite all of that pain
I can't even be angry at you
for what would you care ?
I break this mirror that shows me these tears that drowned my immortal pride
As I build up these walls to prevent me from ever letting another see my vulnerability again,
Not lover nor hater,
not even I will look upon this shattered heart
Never again will I let my heart bleed,
Broken from another's silence.

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