Random Love Letter Pt 1.

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I wish that every time you closed your eyes
You'd see every fond memory of you that I see awake
How inside of my heart I still wait for every horizon that has a trace of your presence returning
How in every winter since you've left I still feel the warmth of summer when I think of our loving memories.
It's impossible for a love like this to die, hate, or regret its existence when you've given me everything that brings a man joy.
These tears I cry our intertwined with memories that appreciate you so much they turn into a deep longing sadness when you're gone
That is why these tears of mine have never ceased over the loss of you
The feelings that won't fleet away from my heart that won't stop beating for you.
See you came into my life at a time where I loved only myself
Even tho I loved you I lacked the self awareness to know how to treat you
I guess making mistakes gives you growth a little too late
It's hard to really feel anymore reminiscing back on what I had
It's not that I've turned cold but that every other woman I touch is cold to me
Because there will never be a love that touches me like yours
One that made me believe in the existence of my soul because I truly believe you're my soulmate.
I know it's fate that I met you
Still now in your absence & your ignoring of this love I'm pouring
I'm still thinking of millions of way for you to see that Im coming from decisive actions in my heart
Trying to find a way to bring you back to these arms that only feel complete when they're holding you
Dollar signs tedious to these hands that realize that happiness can't be bought once found in the heart
No amount of money or diamonds or women could replace this void inside of me that whispers loudly of a time that I had you.
I wasn't mature enough to have you
I wish you could be here now to see how much I've grown without you why despite for myself still thinking of making a better me for you.
I know thats kind of foolish
You once said that I needed to learn how to love myself
In learning that I learned what truly mattered.
So even in loving myself I still love you
& everything about the you that would slip out in conversation and then hide every time a bad memory would remind you of the last time you loved like this.
I wish you could believe how much I love you.

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