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‪I feel like I'm lucid dreaming when I'm with you‬
‪The sun doesn't look like the sun, the birds don't sound the same as when I'm alone.‬
‪With you, I feel as if I'm one with the earth with the core inside my heart‬
‪You've carved a world inside me, memories like mountains with oceans of droplets made with emotions ‬
‪You influence me like a cosmic force, a higher power, a divine hand‬
‪Holding your hand I question if you're even human when I think of the fables of God's ‬
‪Heaven seems to form itself inside my soul when I'm with you, before I was empty space‬
‪Looking for a face within to guide, I found mine yet reality was still bleak inside ‬
‪Until your face graced the windows of my soul an I peered at you & saw light in the dark‬
‪I began to dream painting pictures within of what life might feel like beside you,‬
‪An eternity of feelings that'll live long after the flesh dies for our souls would dance amongst stars ‬
‪We'd be reborn as beautiful as our love and stretch constellations across the night sky ‬
‪Third eye perceptions, lucid dreaming connections, became sweet realities with you every morning noon and night ‬
‪Did you hear my soul calling yours from afar the space between us ‬
‪It was as if we were destined to meet up by a higher calling, a destination of euphoric highs ‬
‪A life of being lonely with you I found the longing I yearned humbled by blessings I never thought I deserved you.‬
‪There was nothing in the world I wouldn't do for you, as you had done for me we both appreciated each other enough to say I love you.‬
‪Time came fast but seconds felt like hours life seemed contained within an inescapable high of trancelike bliss‬
‪But fires fleet, stars go out an our high came down before time had granted the satisfaction of eternity & our passion was put out ‬
‪The hell I found myself within without you my world fell apart ‬
‪The world split with earthquakes might the ocean raged tsunamis out of my eyes finding no peace in the night I shook in heroin withdrawals ‬
‪Laying in brokenness I floated within my space without a sense of gravity to pull myself back together without you‬
‪All the pain of dying without the relief because like stars from their death nebulas form them again. ‬
‪So slowly as the days go by I begin to form again, putting myself back together with scars of you where flowers still grow,‬
‪For I could never hate you & say I ever loved you the way I did..‬
‪Perhaps as I reform in time I'll find you again‬
‪an even after all we've been through on a seconds speed I'd gladly try again & again until the arms of time cease to exist ‬
‪People may ask why put yourself through such madness, such extreme forms of happiness and sadness.‬
‪But the only explanation I can give is‬
‪I love you.‬
‪-Vonsensei ‬

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2017 ⏰

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