Broken Home.

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The broken home echoes an eery silence
Yet no one can here the solemn cry.
The broken home's silence screams with despair.
Yet never a solution when you ask it why
The broken home points fingers as if there were no mirrors
to for once ask ourselves what am I doing wrong
We just live here in this house acting like nothing is wrong
that this is the way it is
You lie !
I turn on the tv and see that everyone is living better than I
They smile we frown
They laugh we fight
They fight and make up
We argue and remain bitter
They say I love you yet I rarely hear it from you
They pray and receive
I pray for you & receive the same thing and no one can answer me in this broken home why ?
Why is this home broken.
Do you really love me ?
Why is it that instead of talking to me
You tune me out and vibe with your drugs.
That when I voice my problems you just push them under the rug .
Why is it that when I call you small talk me like I wasn't your child
Yet u can judge me when I'm in the wild acting like an unloved child.
You say you love me but your actions make me contempt.
You never point the finger at yourself.
And this is why I can't talk to you.
This is why I do what I do.
This is why it's so damn hard to love something or someone like you
How can I love the very home I call hell?

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