Loving Yourself.

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I know loving yourself is hard when it feels like you're the only one that does.
We naturally seek reassurance in the irresistible yet horrible insurance of mankind.
For at least one like mind to see our shine but consistently it feels like you're being out shined
I know how bad it is to want someone to think you're beautiful
I know how frustrating it is when you're all by yourself
Everybody else seems to have somebody else & it feels like something's wrong with you
Like where's your love?
Like you want someone to want you & love you like you do.
But in that stanza there's a paradox
See I have to ask how much do you love yourself?
Would you really want someone to love you like you do?
Confused and conflicted addicted to indecision no clear vision dependent on others opinions
Where is ya love in independence
Funny you want consistence
Yet lack consistency in yourself
The love that should exist in yourself
You desperately seek in somebody else
With all the same result of disappointment.
If not mankind & not yourself where would you find love?

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